Wednesday, March 4, 2015

reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Reading is important. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of people these days are reading less than they used to. At least from what I have seen, heard, and observed. It makes me sad. When I ask someone what their favourite book is, they don't have an answer. When I ramble on about a literary love, I get blank expressions. These days, so much of what we do is skimming and glancing...shoved into our all too busy schedules. That means less time for leisure, relaxation, and hobbies like reading a good book. Or two. Or three.

Even in my own experience, I know how difficult it can be to fit reading time in. For me? I work multiple jobs. That means almost every moment of my days are planned out and accounted for with very little wiggle room. Once you add in spending time with my fiance, family members, and friends, there is next to no additional time. That makes reading a lot more challenging. But not impossible!

Over the last few months I have been focusing on making time for me. One of the best ways to do that? Reading. There is something so beautiful about reading a good book. You can get lost in a story, discover new characters, and let go. Just a little bit. That alone is priceless. So, what have I been reading? A few of my recent reads are:

Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Four by Veronica Roth
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
Nothing But The Truth by Vicky Pattison
Screwing The Rules by Laurel House

As you can tell from the selection above...I like to mix things up a bit. After reading an action/adventure type of book like the Divergent Series, I tend to dive into a fluffy but fun biography, go back to something darker, then dabble in a chick lit book that is fun and whimsical. Though, I confess, I often read multiple books at a time. Because you never know what mood you will be in! It is always good to have a few genres at the ready.

Since today is a book post, I want to hear your thoughts. How do you manage to make time for reading? What genres do you like to read most? And what are some of your recent reads? Let me know! And if you haven't picked up a good book in a while, remember: now is the time to do it.

xo Shannon


  1. The truth that I used to also read more now because of time less auqnue I have several books waiting to start reading when I can !!!



  2. I'm reading Allegiant right now and love it!! I'm going to be sad when it's over. xoxo

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. I love reading before going to sleep. It is my time to relax and to know more about life, and love...
    Love the post, sweetie <3

    Lots of kisses from VOH!

  4. i'm such a fan of reading too x

  5. I just finished reading Allegiant and I love it !

  6. I have a huge pile of books waiting to be read and never make as much time for reading as I should! When I was younger I used to absolutely love reading and always had my head in a book. Need to start reading more! Thanks for sharing x

    Amy | The Perks of Being Amy

  7. Its so hard for me to read for fun when Im at school. I try to read a chapter before bed!

  8. I love readings books...paper books!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  9. oh this is great, I've been looking for a new book to read! I'll need to look into these:)

  10. I agree with you on the importance of reading books. Sometimes it's easier to make time to read but it can be tough to put the time aside sometimes. I like the difference in genres in the selections you mentioned above! Happy reading adventures! Best, ican'taffordmylifestyle

  11. I read less and seems right now I can't improve it. Last book: Hernando Cortes & the Conquest of Mexico.

  12. Beautiful post and blog! :)

  13. I totally agree with you! I am reading two books at the moment but I read like a few pages once a week so I'm really bad at this! I end up spending too much time playing a dress up game on my phone instead
    Keep in touch

  14. Wonderful post dear. I adore reading...
    I follow you now and hope you will follow me back.


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