Friday, April 10, 2015

love at first blush.

Love at first sight. That is how I would describe my relationship with the Hard Candy Ombre Baked Blush in Punch. I was browsing the makeup racks for no reason in particular. In fact, I had already decided not to buy anything. It was merely a way to pass the time as I waited for my ride to arrive. And then I saw it there. That gorgeous ombre blush staring back at me. I knew in that moment, it had to be a part of my life. How did I justify it? Well, even if the blush isn't amazing, it looks gorgeous in the packaging! I could display it! It is amazing how many reasons I can come up with to justify a new makeup purchase. I suppose this will have to change but until then.....a new blush entered my life. 

As you can see from the picture above, the packaging is pretty standard. It looks like all of the other Hard Candy baked products. The main difference has to be that gorgeous ombre effect. It looks absolutely stunning. Below is another picture of the blush so you can take a closer look at the ombre. It fades from a berry pink to a lighter pink to an almost white kind of shimmer. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! 

It is no wonder I fell head over heels for this blush. Out of the many blush shades I have in my collection, none are so beautiful in the packaging. I think the ombre effect took it to a whole other level of stunning. So, you know that I love it in the packaging....but how does it perform? That is another story altogether.

Let me just say that I adore the concept of an ombre blush. It gives you the chance to use the product in multiple ways and in varying intensitites. It also includes a highlight in the same product. It really is a fabulous idea. Sadly? The pigmentation on this ombre blush was not quite what I was expecting. I have a number of other Baked Blushes and Bronzers from Hard Candy and the pigmentation has been consistently wonderful. Great texture and even better colour payoff. This blush was not quite the same. It has a rougher texture and the colour is subtle and sheer. 

That isn't to say you can't do a lot with this blush. It still looks beautiful when layered on the cheeks. The difference? You have to work harder to achieve a more dramatic blush look. Since I tend to like a slightly bolder cheek in general, I found this to be a bit frustrating....especially since their other baked blushes and bronzers have been universally fantastic. 

Want to get a better idea of the blush shade in action? Below is a makeup look I created using the Hard Candy Ombre Baked Blush in Punch on the cheeks: 

So, what is the verdict? It is a bit of a toss up. While this blush shade looks gorgeous in the packaging, the pigmentation leaves something to be desired. If you want something to display, this is a definite yes. If you are searching for a go-to blush shade? Keep looking. 

Have you tried the Hard Candy Ombre Baked Blush in Punch? What was your experience like?

xo Shannon


  1. This looks gorgeous! Really love the look you've created with it as well, it looks great with your skintone x

  2. I love how subtle and natural it looks!

  3. Love the color!
    Very nice blog by the way :)

    Kisses from Russia,

  4. I don't like super pigmented blush .. so, for me it seems quite good!

  5. Your blush is absolutley beautiful!
    Love it, you choose well! (:
    Kisses dear ♥

  6. That blush is so pretty, love your makeup !

  7. I wish I can get my hands on Hard Candy,they're so difficult to get a hold of for international people.. :( Love the shade of that blush on you, gorgeous tone!

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  8. What a great blush, it looks perfect on you! Do you ever use lipsticks as blushes, what are your experiences concerning that? Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!

    E from Helsinki, Finland


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