Saturday, April 18, 2015

what is now called vintage was once brand new.

Retro. Vintage. Old school. Whatever you want to call it, there is something special about fashions from decades past. Me personally? I adore 50s and 60s inspired styles. Think housewives and picnics in the park. I love watching old movies and TV shows where the styles are full of glitz, glamour, and just a hint of flirty sophistication. Which is how I wound up spending over an hour in a retro inspired clothing store. My mom and I were downtown. We had a few hours to kill before checking out a theater performance. Then we came across Tatyana. The window was full of vintage dresses, cute purses, and parasols. Cue excitement!

(Below is a picture of the store window that caught our eye. Amazing, right? Especially that blue printed jump suit. I wanted it so badly but they didn't have it in my size. Alas.)
From that point on, we were like kids in a candy store. My mom and I flitted from rack to rack, gushing over the bold colours and stunning prints. The gorgeous details. The incredible accessories. There was so much to look at, it was like a sensory overload. We tried on dress after dress, just hoping to find the perfect one. And then I did.

It was red with white buttons, a white belt, and white trim. It went past the knee and had a gorgeous full skirt. I didn't stop there. Then I found an equally beautiful purse to go with the bag. It was navy blue with a sparkly white detail and a classic shape. And then there was the scarf. I picked up a black and white scarf with a white bow print. I loved the idea of wearing the pieces together to create a head to toe retro look. Quite frankly, I felt like a million bucks.

Despite the fact that I spent way too much money.....I was over the moon. I spent the rest of the afternoon picturing all of the places I could wear my perfect retro outfit. Thanks to truly awful weather (rainy and cold) I haven't been able to wear it yet. But I will. Oh, I will. And once I do, I will be sure to do a detailed outfit post! For now, here is a peek at the pieces I picked up.
Yes, I love vintage designs. They look amazing and manage to instantly boost my confidence. I honestly cannot wait to wear this outfit. I love the bold red shade and the stunning accessories. My favourite piece? That purse. The shape is identical to one my grandmother used to have in her closet. Every time I hold it, I feel a little closer to her. And that means more than I can describe.

Stumbling upon a fantastic vintage clothing shop? Amazing. The only downside is that I will have to force myself to stay away. Too much time spend in Tatyana will lead to a seriously empty bank account!

What do you think of the new pieces in my wardrobe? Do you love retro styles?

xo Shannon


  1. I love this kind of style too! Amazing post dear!

    XO Imke //

  2. Oh my. Such lovely finds!! All glam, hun!

    Airish 💋

  3. Love vintages, such beautiful pieces x

  4. great pics dear....

  5. Superb!!! I love that red dress and handbag.

  6. gorgeous new pieces, i love that red dress!

  7. Lovely dresses! Great post by the way :)
    Have a nice day x

  8. great post!

  9. nice post

  10. The window display is way too tempting!!! Love the stuff you bought <3 <3

  11. Great post dear!

  12. I really love vintage stuff !

  13. Wow must have been so much fun! I wish we had vintage shopping in my country


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