Friday, May 22, 2015

accessories are the exclamation point of a woman.

Spring and summer are special. The sun is shining and there are plenty of exciting plans to make the coming weeks exciting. One of the things I love most about this time of year? Getting a little bolder with accessories. Colours, prints, and larger pieces are all fair game. Not to mention seasonal musts like sunglasses, floppy hats, and beach bags! If you couldn't tell....accessories are on my mind lately. I have been trying to wear different things and find ways to make accessories the focal point of my springtime looks.

Yes, I am all about accessories right now. Can you blame me? The right accessory can totally chane up your look. Since they have been on my mind for the last little while, I thought I would share a few of my recent favs. Here are some of the pieces that are making me smile!

The first favourite? This gorgeous orange purse. I absolutely love it! This one I picked up at Target before they all closed down in Canada. They were on sale for a great price and had a ton of bright neon shades. I chose the orange because I have been totally loving orange lately. I love the way this bag adds an instant pop of colour to any look - and I adore the gorgeous detail on the clasp as well. 

Sunglasses! Okay, I admit that I have a serious obsession with sunglasses. (A few of my favourites here pictured with a blingy bracelet I can't get enough of.) The number of pairs I own? It is probably between 30-50. I don't know what it is about them. I see a cute pair and I have to have them! My favourites of the ones above? That retro inspired mint green pair. I love that vintage look. So so cute.

Here are a few new favourites. One of my favourite prints is leopard. It instantly makes me feel sexy and confident. So I bought a couple of hair accessories in leopard print. They were fun and affordable. You can't do much better than that. The other accessories pictured here are a couple of earrings I have been wearing all the time. The hoops have faux diamonds along the front and dangling chains at the bottom. They are totally dramatic! The other pair is a bit fancier. I love the contrast between the black and the sparkling accents. 

Another bag! This one is a super cute clutch. I love that shade of purple and the floral print. This bag just screams spring. It is made from a really soft material and is big enough to hold my phone. That is a major plus in my book. Another reason I love this clutch? The Oh La La is fun and flirty. Perfect for the warmer months of the year. This is a great compliment to a cute daytime outfit.

The last accessory on this list is a pair of sandals I bought a few months back. Shockingly I do not own a lot of sandals - and I tend to be pretty tough on them. So I was looking for something simple but cute and easy to wear. Then I found these adorable Ralph Lauren ones. I love that crisp white and the little logo decal on the front. They are super comfy and have a wedge heel. Perfect for fun days in the sun. 

Accessories are a must. Especially during the spring and summer months. There are so many reasons to have fun, embrace bolder styles, and amp up a simpler look. These are just a few of the accessories I have been rocking lately. 

Which ones do you like best? What accessories have you been wearing lately?

xo Shannon


  1. Love the bag sweetie <3
    Love this post..Keep In touch dear..
    Rampdiary/Beauty and fashion/ Art blog

  2. Im inlove with the bag and accessories!
    Anyway dear, im inviting you to join my giveaway here >> BLOG GIVEAWAY <<

  3. Love this bag! :)
    Love from LifeAsIva

  4. nice bag
    new post:

  5. The sandals look so nice! I can't get over my platform sandals right now. I've also been wearing my new ring and earrings lately, but I'll blog about that next week :) Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  6. Oh very cute your bag sweetie

  7. Ih dear! th bag is very beautiful!

  8. Hi hun, love everything!
    Have a great week!

  9. Great caption haha, and I bought some new sunglasses too :)

  10. The oh la la clutch is so adorable, and I'm loving the sandals -- I need one like these in my life desperately haha

    May x •

  11. Hello darling! you have a lovely blog :) wanna follow each other on GFC?

    Pretty Little Stories

  12. Love the sunglasses! <3 I'm wearing rings. Always rings. Love them!

    Lots of love pretty!

  13. Amazing items you've got!

    XO IMKE //

  14. Love your bag! Orange bag is my wishlist and can't wait to get my hands on one. Great haul.


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