Monday, May 18, 2015

review: bareMinerals bronzed & luminous part 1

Some brands I have loved for years. Others are fairly new to me. It wasn't long ago that I first tried a set from bareMinerals. Since then I have picked up a few items here and there. Every single time I have been over the moon impressed with the quality and texture. Which is why I picked up their latest offering the moment I spotted it at Sephora. What was it? The Bronzed & Luminous set. Inside there were two different eye palettes. One to create a summery bronzed look and the other to create a makeup look that is glowy and gorgeous.

The concept was intriguing to say the least. Two palettes in one set? Two totally different makeup looks? Nothing could sound better to a makeup addict like myself. As soon as I got home that night, I started swatching. The next day, I debated which palette to use first. Over the next week or so, I used these palettes and only these palettes. Let me just say, it has been a serious love affair. So, here is a closer look at the first set from this collection.....

To start, let's look at the Bronzed palette. It comes with three eyeshadow shades, two cheek products, and a lip gloss. The eyeshadow shades are buttery soft, highly pigmented, and easy to use. There is a light cream colour, a shimmery rose gold, and a striking bronze colour. Then there are the two cheek products. They are both beautiful and bronzey. I like to use the lighter shade as a bronzer and the deeper shade as more of a blush colour. Then there is the lip gloss. Like the other bareMinerals glosses I have tried, it is nicely pigmented, comfortable to wear, and has a mint kind of scent. So pretty - and one of my favourites in terms of glosses.

Basically? I love everything about this set. The colours are beautiful and easy to wear. The quality is absolutely incredible as well. In my opinion, some of the best out there. This is perfect for days that you are getting ready on the go, travelling, or if you need to put together a look quickly. Here is the makeup look I created using this set.

Overall, I was incredible impressed with the Bronzed palette from bareMinerals. Every single product in the set was gorgeous and easy to use. I love the fresh, pretty, and wearable makeup look it can create on a spring or summer day. There is nothing like some bronzey neutrals to amp up any and all ensembles. No wonder I keep turning to this palette over and over again. I absolutely adore it! Want to find out how the Luminous palette compares? Is it better? Worse? Amazing? A flop? Find out in my next post where I will be sharing part 2 of my review.

Have you tried anything from bareMinerals?

xo Shannon


  1. i mostly use bronzers from sephora and inglot, also eye shadows in my collection are made by inglot, never seen this palette before, but maybe is worth to try :)
    Vivi :)

    Vivienne Night Blog

  2. Lovely and great, dear, thank you for visiting my blog. Pls, keep in touch, dear.

  3. ...beautiful palette especially for this season!!!!!!

  4. I've only tried a lip product from the line and did love it. Should really try out more of BM stuff. You look fab! TY for this review:)

  5. This looks very beautiful, I havent tried anything by this brand before.

  6. beautiful as always x


  7. Great review

    New post :

  8. your makeup on spot as always
    love the colour pallette ,beautiful

  9. I love neutral palettes for makeup, Thanks for sharing about this.

    ~ Seepz

  10. Bronzers are a must during summer! Looks good! Kisses!

  11. You looking great in that palette. It is adding to your looks.

  12. I love BareMinerals and have been using their mineral foundation and other products for years. This palette sounds and looks amazing, love all the colors and you did an amazing job with it ! I can't wait for second part of review now, and I will be looking for this palette next time I go to Sephora :-) I want it !!! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  13. Bare Minerals products receive the best reviews, I have to try them!

    The Drama Queen Confesses /// Instagram

  14. I love BareMinerals! This is such a stunning palette!
    XO Imke //

  15. WOW amazing palette dear!

  16. Hi dear,
    Such a great post. I love your make up.
    Btw, I want to invite you to join my Giveaway on my blog : .
    Have a beautiful day.

  17. awesome x

  18. That looks really good, love these colors on you as well.
    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  19. Pretty! I love the colors! They will work for all skin tones!


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