Wednesday, May 20, 2015

review: bareMinerals bronzed & luminous part 2

Are you ready? It is time to finish my review of the bareMinerals Bronzed & Luminous palettes. In my last blog post, I filled you in on the Bronzed set. It featured gorgeous colours that are ideal for the warm spring and summer months. The next palette included was Luminous. This one was all about creating a sultry, glowy makeup look. And it does! I confess. Out of the two, this is my favourite palette. In fact, day after day, I find myself reaching for it. It is everything I hoped it would be and so much more. Once again, bareMinerals has won me over. Take a closer look at the palette....and get ready to fall in love!

As you can see from the picture above, this is a seriously stunning set. And it is just as glowy as advertised. Just like the Bronzed palette, there are three eyeshadows, two cheek products, and one lip product. When it comes to the eyeshadow shades, these are absolutely gorgeous. They create a dark, smokey eye look with ease. My absolutely favourite colour is the second one in. It is a red-ish brown. It looks gorgeous all over the lid or used to blend out that darker shade. Absolutely obessed! 

Then there are those cheek colours. One is a pretty rosy blush and the other is more of a bronzed colour. Swatched they are more glowy than pigmented....but that is exactly what I expect from a Luminous palette! Then there is that lip gloss. It is a pretty pink that compliments the other products with ease. Talk about a gorgeous way to finish it all off. Now to see the products in action. Below is a picture of my bareMinerals makeup look using the Luminous palette.

After using both of these palettes, I have fallen head over heels for both. Each one creates a very different look....but both are absolutely gorgeous. The Luminous set is most definitely my favourite (I am never one to skip out on a smokey eye look) but I thoroughly enjoy each one. bareMinerals has knocked it out of the park as far as I am concerned. These are fantastic palettes to have in your collection. Especially if you like to travel and don't like to take a ton of makeup along with you. 

I dug into these makeup palettes with great excitement - and some pretty high expectations. Thankfully, bareMinerals met and even surpassed those expectations. I just love the quality of their products and how easy these sets are to use. One of my favourites for sure!

What do you think? Bronzed or Luminous?

xo Shannon


  1. beautiful
    new post:

  2. the palette looks interesting, i like the effect which u achieved:)
    Vivi :)

    Vivienne Night Blog

  3. So pretty!


  4. It looks lovely, I love their collection!

  5. What a fab look! Love the palette and you look gorgeous as always,

  6. wow, looks great!
    maybe follow each other? what do you think?
    PS. i just publish new giveaway. You can win great dress. :)

  7. I always love the way you put your make up on, I need to go to beauty school to learn more. Bare Mineral are one of the best cosmetic out there. xoxo

  8. I thought I had already commented on this one, my bad! Looks great! Kisses!

  9. ...lovely palette!!!...I want to try bareminerals products, they are very interesting!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  10. great :) have a nice week!

  11. gorgeous palette :) love the look you created!
    lets follow each other! just let me know and I will follow back :)


  12. Very nice dear! thanks for the visit ;) :*

  13. looks amazing :)


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