Saturday, May 2, 2015

why fit in when you were born to stand out?

Honestly? Things have been stressful and overwhelming lately. I have spent the last couple of weeks reflecting on my past and thinking about the future. What I want, where I hope to go, and what really matters to me. There are a lot of changes ahead of me - and I am in the middle of figuring everything out. Especially in terms of my career. For the last several years, I have dedicated myself to building a writing career, applying for jobs, and chasing after my dream. But it gets harder and harder to push through. At this point? I just want to live the happiest, most fulfilling life possible. So, I am trying to figure out the best way to make that happen.

With so much going on internally, I have dedicated more time to things that make me happy. Like doing my makeup, getting ready to go out, seeing friends, hanging out with my family, and reading. Those little things have reminded me that life is so much more than work. Life is about the memories you make, the people you make them with, and the laughs you have along the way.

Right now, I am trying to make the most of every moment. To focus on beauty both inside and out. Which brings me to today's post. Now that spring is here, I have been all about spring fashion. There is something about the joy, the colours, the fun, that has lifted my spirits considerably. The pastels, the layering.....yes please!

Even though spring is here, the weather has still been pretty chilly. In fact, it was snowing just a week ago! Hard to believe now that we are at the end of April. That is why I created an outfit that would keep me warm - but still embrace spring. I wore a fuzzy bomber jacket over a pastel pink tee with my favourite pair of skinny jeans. Paired with a simple bun and a smokey eye look, it was casual but seasonal. Ready to see my spring inspired look? Here it is!

Life is full of decisions and transitions. But ultimately, it is about finding happiness. Simple things (like putting together an outfit!) are making me happy right now.

What makes you happy? What do you think of this spring outfit?

xo Shannon


  1. Making the most out of everything is SO important. Definitely take time to shape you life to exactly how you want it to be. This is a super cute shirt by the way!

  2. I like your spring outfit, it's cute and breezy, perfect for the season.

  3. Very cute Outfit! I love your Blog. You are such a inspiration <3


  4. Lovely post
    Always stay positive even though life gets stressful.

  5. You are so inspiring! That outfit is very stylish. You are so so beautiful :) xo

  6. the way you do your makeup just perfect
    you look lovely

  7. Very nice and lovely blog and pictures.I love your blog.I like it really.Please follow and get followed back.

  8. Nice post

    New post :

  9. I'm in love with pastel pink at the moment so this outfit is definitely of my liking! Well done! I think it's good to reflect from time to time, and think about if we are actually doing what makes us happy. There is nothing wrong with changing direction, sometimes it's the boldest thing you can do! Keep us readers updated on your decisions :) Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  10. amazing tshirt. love it :)

  11. Love your tshirt

    New post :

  12. So beautiful! i love your shirt!

  13. cute spring outfit x


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