Sunday, June 14, 2015

creativity is thinking up new things.

I have been trying to shop less. Sort of. Even as I write that sentence, I realize how many times I have written it before. It seems, I am always trying to shop less. Yet there is such a thrill in the experience. Of finding the perfect that will go with everything, complete every outfit, and give you that indescribable feeling of joy. Shopaholic? Me? Okay....yes. Which is how I managed to buy a brand new clutch  bag without even meaning to.

My fiance and I were looking for new running shoes. For him, we went to a name brand shoe store to find him a pair of sneakers he could wear day in and day out. For me? We ended up at Payless. I was looking for a pair of running shoes that I in! One of my goals for this summer is to start running regularly. Maybe even be able to run a 5K by the time fall hits. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. But we ended up at Payless nonetheless to find me sneakers. (We did. A cute neon pair for twenty bucks. Yay, deals!)

While we were there, I happened to see a few Christian Siriano for Payless bags. On sale. I could I resist? I wanted literally every single one of them. However, I tempered my shopaholic tendencies by buying one - and only one - bag. I was impressed. My fiance? Not so much. But what can I say? It was love at first sight! The moment I saw the clutch, I knew that it had to be mine. Not only did it say, I love shoes, it was super cute. Instantly I was sure that this would be my favourite bag of the season. Is it yet? Only time will tell. I am looking forward to taking this one out.

Ready to see what my new favourite clutch looks like? Here is my Christian Siriano for Payless clutch.....

Sometimes you look for new accessories. Sometimes, those accessories seem to find you. The later is certainly true when it comes to my new clutch. I wasn't planning on buying a new bag....but it was too gorgeous to pass up!

Do you have a shopping habit? What is the last thing you bought?

xo Shannon


  1. Shannon that clutch is divine. No wonder you couldn't resist ;) hey you are a girl, so why should you! Good luck with your running goal.

  2. Oh wow, such a wonderful clutch! I love clutch that stands out and something tha'ts out of the ordinary.. it makes it even more special :)

    -- new blogpost in my blog :)
    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

    1. Glad you like it! I am definitely into clutches that are a little bit fun and different.

  3. such a cute clutch!!

  4. This is such a cute bag! I love Christian Siriano! Can't go wrong when it's on sale!!!! Great find! Xo, Carla

    1. Thanks! It is always nice when things you like happen to be on sale! :)

  5. I love clutches and this one is fabulous. I am totally going to check out this collection.


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