Wednesday, June 24, 2015

take me shopping and i'm yours.

What would a trip to Niagara Falls be without a little bit of shopping? Despite my best efforts, I managed to pick up a few items on my most recent vacation. I couldn't help it. Outlet stores. How could I possibly resist outlet stores? On the plus side, I managed to get a ton of great items for super cheap. Score! It started on the US side of the falls. We went to Target and then carried on to an outlet mall. After that, we crossed the border back into Canada and went to another outlet mall. My mom is definitely a bad influence when it comes to shopping. But hey - at least I know where I got it from!

So, what did I buy on my Niagara Falls trip? This is my mini-vacation haul.....

Purses. I admit, they are my weakness. Despite the fact that I don't buy new purses all that often....when I fall in love with something, I simply have to have it. Which is how I ended up with two gorgeous bucket bags. The first is from Nikki Boucherica Simpson. I was immediately drawn to the gorgeous yellow shade. Plus the fact that it was $20 didn't hurt! As for the gorgeous pink snakeskin printed Michael Kors bag.....I saw it and fell totally in love with it. It was originally over $200 but I found it at an outlet for $70. How is a fashion lover supposed to resist that kind of deal? I couldn't. Which is how these bags came home with me. Love!

One of my favourite trends this season? Matching sets. They are so cute and easy to wear. I had given up on finding the perfect one....and then this fell into my lap. My mom and I were browsing and then bam! There it was. I was instantly drawn to the bright floral print and the super cute pom pom details. It had trendy elements yet was flirty and fun. Perfect for the summer months! The best part? The whole outfit cost $20. Oh outlet shopping. How I love thee.

Something else I picked up on my trip to Niagara Falls? A pair of distressed high waisted shorts. One of the biggest issues I have finding shorts for summer? They are all so short! I am pretty tall so short shorts tend to look a little too short if you know what I mean. Which is why I was so excited to find these at Charlotte Russe (I wish we had this store in Canada). They are a little longer than your average cut offs, have gorgeous distressed details, and are high waisted to boot. Talk about the perfect summer shorts.

One of my favourite stores? Guess. I just love the casual glamour. That is why I picked up this simple Guess tank top. Not only was it on sale for a great price - but I could see myself wearing it many different ways. Simple but fun. While I was at Guess, they had this gorgeous pink beach bag. Honestly? It took all my strength not to buy it! I figured I had bought enough purses on this trip - and couldn't justify any more! Alas.

Now for a few pieces from Target. Sadly, there is no more Target where I we made the most of it when we crossed the border. The first thing I picked up was a cute and casual romper. It is comfortable and super easy to wear. Next up? A couple of tank tops. I brought home a Smokey The Bear tank and an anchor print tank. To finish it all off, I also bought a couple of cute kimonos. I have been looking to add a few pieces like that into my this was super exciting. All in all, a successful shopping trip!

My Niagara Falls shopping trip was definitely a success. I picked up a lot of great items - for a relatively small amount of money. Outlet shopping was good to me! Out of everything, I think I had the most fun browsing for bargains with my mom. That is always kind of exciting.

What do you think of this haul? Have you added new pieces to your wardrobe?

xo Shannon


  1. Shannon, moms can never have bad influence they are supposed to be our role model ;) Hey you scored biiig time here. Love everything you bought. Guess huh ;) yeah we do love Guess, don't we :)

  2. So cute and it sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!

  3. i also love Guess :) i love guess clothes but also i love their photo shoots :) are glamourous! :)
    Vivienne Night Blog


  4. You bought beautiful clothes ;) <3

    Have a lovely evening ;)

  5. Fun pieces! I'm dying over matching sets as well - yours is perfect :)
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  6. Wonderful pieces. ^^
    New post is online...

  7. Beautiful post but I <3 the title more.. :)

  8. I love that romper!! It's so girly and I love the design on the bottom ^__^

    Linxnee-Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle


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