Friday, August 14, 2015

i blush just by thinking of you.

A good blush can go a long way. Maybe that is why I have accumulated so many different blush shades over the last little while. Yes, my blush collection is a little bit....full. Which is why I am trying desperately to stop buying more. My goal is to use up what I have - or at least hit pan - before I purchase yet another blush. We will see how that goal turns out! Despite this goal, I managed to pick up a new blush. It is Medium Mauve from the Maybelline Fit Me Collection. 

What I love about this blush? The shade is easy to wear, subtle, yet gives a pretty and natural flush to the cheeks. When it comes to blush shopping, my eye is typically drawn to bright colours and shades that are a little bit different. And those things are great....but every now and then it is good to have neutral shades to on hand. Medium Mauve definitely falls into that category. I have been wearing this with smokey eye makeup looks or when I was a more dramatic lipstick shade. It perfectly balances out played up features. 

The colour I love. As for the actual product? This too was a winner. There are a lot of Maybelline products out there that I am a big fan of. Their blushes are definitely included on that list. This Fit Me blush is easy to blend, nicely pigmented, and buildable. I love the colour and I love the way it finished off my makeup. Overall, this is a fabulous blush. I plan on wearing it as much as possible over the next little while! (Especially now that I am on my no-more-blush-buying kick.) 

Recently, I put together a super smokey makeup look. On the cheeks, I used Medium Mauve. Want to see the product in action? Take a look below to see how it all turned out!
I am definitely a fan of Maybelline products. Blush included! I was super happy with the way this product performed. Affordable, beautiful, and easy to use. That checks off all of my musts when it comes to a solid blush. While I don't have a ton of their cheek products....this one wowed.

Have you tried this blush? What do you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. It looks so natural and beautiful! You're such a makeup pro! I wish I could learn from you

  2. You look gorgeous, Shannon. Love the makeup and the blush is so natural. Good luck with your goal, but I wouldn't put my money on it, lol. I feel you there, Shannon, with me it's the darn nail polish, I always, always tell myself polish. There ain't no color shade I don't have, funny enough there are always at least two or three cute little bottles in my basket. Happy Friday, girl.

  3. Love the color of that blush!!!!! :) Cute makeup look <3

  4. Aww love your makeup so much Shannon!

  5. Maybelline has some stunning blushes! They're so lovely and natural.

    Casey - ATopsyTurvyBlog

  6. I like how this blush looks on you, it makes your cheeks pop!

    I would really appreciate if you visit my blog, see my latest post and let me know what do you think about it!
    Best regards from Macedonia,

  7. Nice post and makeup :)


  8. You're so pretty! Great post!

  9. You look stunning, thank you for sharing and probably would like to try this blush. :D

  10. Nice make up, I'd like to try this blush!

  11. Gorgeous blush! I've never tried it before

    xx Chelsea

  12. I love the look, and you are so beautiful!

    The Flower Duet

  13. Wow! You did a nice job here! xx

  14. Loved your make up! So pretty ♥

    Want to follow each other on GFC, G+ and/or Facebook?! ♥



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