Friday, August 28, 2015

i like long romantic walks to the makeup aisle.

NARS, Too Faced, Benefit, Kat Von D. There are high-end brands I love more than anything. Every time I go to Sephora, I find myself picking up something new. The same can be said for drugstore brands. There are plenty that top my all-time favourites list. But every now and again? Makeup seems to find its way into my life even when I am not looking for it. A while back, a friend and I were doing some serious shopping. While picking up odds and ends over at Icing, the cashier mentioned that makeup items were 50% off that day. So I instinctively grabbed a face trio. The trio included a blush, bronzer, and highlighting shade. (Pictured above.)

Personally, I love little sets like this. They are great for travel or to toss into your makeup bag. Compact, cute, and easy to use. Nothing could make me happier. Despite my excitement over the trio I was a little bit hesitant. Why? I have never bought makeup from Icing before. Cheap accessories? Sure. Knick knacks? Of course. Makeup? That was a first. I wasn't sure what the quality would be like....or if it would actually perform the way I wanted it to. It is always a toss up when it comes to cheaper makeup! Sometimes it works out and other times the product lets you down.

So, how did the Icing Face Trio hold up? Here is a closer look at the trio along with some swatches.

As you can see from the picture above there is a large amount of product given for each. That makes it easy to apply with my blush brush or contour brush. (I hate when trios or palettes make each product super small so it is hard to get at!) The swatches show you just how pigmented each one is. I was surprised by the colour payoff, actually. The blush shade is this gorgeous pinky coral shade. It is so beautiful on the cheeks - and has a smooth texture. The bronzer on the other hand has that same great texture....but the colour payoff is just meh for me. It isn't bad or amazing. Just in the middle. 

Now for the other standout in this trio. That highlighter! It is a creamy white shade with flecks of glitter in it. Instantly it gives your cheeks a fresh and glowing appearance. Since there is glitter in it, I wouldn't recommend using this product to highlight anywhere except the cheeks. However it is a gorgeous way to compliment that blush shade or give your cheeks a pop.

Ready to see how the products worked on the skin? This is a makeup look I put together recently using all three products in the Icing Face Trio. 

Was the trio worth it? Yes! It was about five dollars for the three products and they exceeded expectations. That blush has become one that I reach for often....and I cannot get enough of that highlighting shade. It just looks amazing. If nothing else, this taught me to keep my eyes peeled wherever I go....and always be open minded when it comes to new makeup.

What do you think of this trio? Have you tried anything like it?

xo Shannon


  1. lovely color! so pretty dear!

  2. Beautiful make up:) You've got a big talent:)

  3. The highlighter looks AMAZING on you! I gotta get a trio as soon as possible!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  4. Nice review!
    The trio look pretty!! >w<

    I'm a new reader, maybe we can follow each other?
    My blog:

  5. looking beautiful!!

  6. looking beautiful!!

  7. OMG that highlighter is incredible! Such a stunning make-up look!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  8. I love that blush on you. It's wonderful and you are sooooo beautiful ^__^

  9. I didn't know Icing has makeup either! Great insight <3

    Fishbowl Fashion

  10. I love your Blog. Great Post. Sorry formy bad english, but I come from the svizzerland. :-)
    kiss, cleo


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