Wednesday, August 12, 2015

summer always ends with good memories.

If you couldn't tell from a few of my previous posts.....I am a little sad that summer is almost over. We are mid-way through August now. And there are still so many things I want to do! Like go to an amusement park, spend a day at the zoo, head to a baseball game, and see friends. Summer might be on the way out...but I am still trying to pack as much fun as possible into the season. In the next couple of weeks I have a few concerts to attend. Honestly? I am super excited about them. One is Rick Springfield with my mom and my friend. The others are by a country artist another friend and I absolutely adore. We are seeing him a three times. Twice in one day! Fingers crossed all of these upcoming girls days - and nights - out will be a blast.

Speaking of girls nights out, I wanted to share a little outfit inspiration. With these concerts coming up I have been pondering the all-too important question: what will I wear? While I have not come up with a definitive answer....there is one look that represents my current state of mind. Fashion wise at least! This is a recent beauty set I created. Take a look!

Why these pieces? Why this outfit? I love blending hard and soft together to create a sophisticated finished product. Which is why the intricate design on the top called to me. It was the perfect contrast with those faux leather shorts. I kept the accessories neutral but chic and added on a bolder bracelet for that extra pop. To liven up this girls night out look, I decided to play with colour. That vibrant pink shade would look great on the cheeks or on the lips. Just something to give it that fun, flirty look. Overall I love how this turned out....and I wish I owned it all! Who knows. Maybe I can come up with my own version for one of the nights out I have coming up.

What do you think of this outfit? What are your end of summer plans?

xo Shannon


  1. That is such a great inspo outfit! I would wear that for sure. Towards the end of summer I have to get read for school again, but I love to end summer with lots of fun events and mini trips!

  2. great post and blog!


  3. Super cute!

  4. awwww shoes and top are so adorable <3333

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  6. hey there my dear :) cool post !its pretty! please keep doing more :)

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  7. Shannon,

    Great post, thank you for sharing this. We need to cherish the last days of summer!

  8. Such a great outfit, the heels are amazing!

  9. There goes the warm summer days. Great looking outfit.

  10. Love your picks, Shannon. Love the hem details on the shorts, cute. My plans? Finishing the renovation, hahaha.

  11. Awesome fashion collage, i love all your picks Shannon <3


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