Wednesday, August 26, 2015

where flowers bloom so does hope.

You know when you use certain products over and over again....and then realize that you never reviewed them? Ahh the life of a beauty blogger. That is what happened to me the other day. I was using a few of my all-time favourite products from Flower Beauty. I put together a makeup look using one of the Shadow Play eyeshadow quads in Smoke and Mirrors, the Glow Blush-Bronzer Duo in Shimmering Goodness, and the Kiss Me Twice Lip & Cheek Chubby in Can't Re-Fuchsia. The combination of berry tones and purple and gold on the eyelids? I was super happy with the way my makeup look turned out. Which is exactly why I decided to do a mini review on these products!

The best place to start? With the eyeshadow quad. I own two others from this line and was really impressed with them. The pigmentation is nice and the texture is very soft. I think I love the texture and blendability more than anything else. I love these shadow in particular. It has a gorgeous combination of colours. A soft pink, a mid-toned purple, a shimmery bronze, and a soft grey. It blended cool tones with warm shades, making it super versatile. Love!

Next up was the blush and bronzer duo. I chose this particular one because of that blush shade. Honestly, I love blush and bronzer duos....but I find that there is always one product I use more than the other. In this case it was definitely the blush. The colour is a rich berry tone. Perfect for fall! It is a beautiful compliment to any smokey eye look. As for the bronzer it was not so spectacular. The shade itself is quite dark for me....making it look a little bit muddy. So when I use this I tend to use it on my eyelid rather than as an actual bronzer.

Lastly, my favourite of the three items. The Lip and Cheek stick. It is a simple chubby stick with a creamy consistency. Right off the bat, I love the versatility of this product. The simple fact that it can be used as a lip product or a cheek product? Excellent. Especially when I am in a rush or want something to take with me on the go. What I love most about this has to be the pigmentation. The colour is so bold! It can be sheered out for a softer look or be ultra intense. Again, the versatility is top notch. This is one product I cannot get enough of.

Now for the makeup look that inspired today's post! Here are some of the products in action.....

There is something special about Flower Beauty. This drugstore brand focuses on luxury and femininity...and it shows. This is probably why I am such a big fan of their products. Especially the ones mentioned in this post! It is nice when makeup items can inspire you, allow you channel your creativity, and boost your confidence all at the same time.

What do you think of this makeup look? Have you tried anything from Flower Beauty

xo Shannon


  1. love you makeup look!

  2. Beautiful makeup!

  3. Your eye look looks amazing !!

  4. I need to stop passing up the Flower section. I always look at the products, but have yet to buy anything from the line. Everything looks so nice!

    1. Definitely stop at some point. It is SO nice. I really recommend the cream eyeshadows. I am literally obsessed. They are by far the best from the drugstore.

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