Sunday, August 16, 2015

YouTube: Big Beauty Haul - Sephora, Drugstore, and More!

Makeup shopping can be a dangerous thing. One minute you are browsing and the next, your cart is full and your debit card is at the ready. Sound familiar? This has happened to me more times than I can count. Especially when there is a Sephora VIB event on the calendar. A couple of weeks ago, my mom and I went down to our local Sephora store to enjoy the festivities. There was a ton of great products, demos, and even chocolate! With so many beauty lovers in one was bound to be a good night. 

It certainly lived up to my expectations. Honestly? My mom and I did some major damage in Sephora. Oops! Add that to some of my other recent makeup buys and well, you end up with a haul video! That's right. I recently sat down to film a new video for my YouTube channel. It features a peek at all of my Sephora goodies along with new items from the drugstore and even the dollar store. Want to see what I picked up? Find out a few first impressions? Check out what is new and exciting in the world of makeup and beauty? Then be sure to watch my latest video! 

As you can see, I went a little makeup crazy. (Which should come as no surprise by this point! I love makeup. A lot.) The best part though? Going shopping with my mom. I always love that. It gives us the chance to gossip, have fun, and splurge on some non-essential items. It sounds crazy....but the overall experience makes this haul seem even better. 

There were some items from this haul that excite me more than others. At least at this point. They are the midnight blue lipstick from Kat Von D, the NARSasist eyeshadow palette, and those big blush palettes from Mariposa. Expect full reviews on all of the products included in my big beauty haul over the next several weeks. Until then, I will be busy testing them all out - and getting creative with my makeup looks. 

Filming this haul video made me happy. It was the most comfortable I have felt on camera thus far. Maybe it was the excitement of all that new makeup! Whatever the reason, I feel good about my latest video. To check out this video and all of my other videos, head on over to the creation of beaut is art. YouTube channel. Please comment, like, and subscribe! 

Have you tried any of these products? What makeup have you bought lately?

xo Shannon


  1. Great job on the video, Shannon. So, more blush, eh ;) Happy Sunday, doll.

  2. good video :)

  3. Great haul! I haven't splurged on beauty products in a while but you're making me want to head to Sephora ASAP haha

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  4. Nice haul. Looking forward to seeing the reviews on the products :)
    I go similarly nuts on clothes or soap shopping!

  5. Great haul!!!
    Have a great satrt of the week honey!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  6. cute video x

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love your blog a lot also and follow your posts. You have a beautiful photos and great posts. Pls, keep in touch, dear.

  8. Amazing post girl!! Loved it!! So good advises!!

  9. If girl not going crazy about make up she is a strange girl:))
    Blog YuliaPros

  10. Awesome haul❤️😍
    If you want, follow me, I will follow you back

  11. I'm not sure on the blue lipstick but I am jumping on that lilac lip trend. During the event I picked up the Kat Von D liquid lipstick requiem and I'm in love with the smokey lilac shade that I know I will wear all of fall!


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