Friday, September 25, 2015

you're never too old for candy.

Sometimes I think all I do is review Hard Candy products! Perhaps this is because they are one of the few drugstore brands that is constantly putting out new products. The shelves are always full of new palettes, new liners, new everything. Several months back they released these cute palettes. There were three in total. The Natural Eyes palette, the Sassy Eyes palette, and the Smokey Eye palette. Honestly? I bought all three without so much as batting an eyelash. They were cheap, super cute, and looked gorgeous. They were musts for my makeup collection.

After using them on a fairly consistent basis over the last few months....I finally felt ready to start reviewing them. The first? The Smokey Eyes palette. There was a brief moment when I saw it on the shelf and thought, I already have a ton of smokey eyeshadows. Do I really need this? Then I thought, what the heck! By that point, I had already fallen in love with the cute packaging. Which is how this smokey eye palette made its way into my life. I am very glad it did!

Where to begin? The packaging of course. It comes in an embossed tin. I love that extra detail. It gives this affordable palette a higher end feel. When you open up the tin you see three large shadows and six smaller shadows, along with an applicator, a small pencil liner, and an eyeshadow primer. This definitely gives you everything you need to create a stunning eye look. They really took steps to make this palette complete and cute.

Now for the good stuff. The primer works surprisingly well. As does the liner. While this is not my go-to eyeliner it has an intense black colour that really really compliments the smokey shadows included in this set. As for the shadows themselves? They are phenomenal. Here is the thing about Hard Candy shadows. Sometimes they are absolutely amazing and other times they are simply okay. All of the shadows included in this set fall into the amazing category. They are nicely pigmented, easy to use, and long lasting. These had a really pretty shimmery effect that I love for a good smokey eye look!

Something else I love? The range of shades. There are navys, black, browns, golds, silvers, and cream colours. I absolutely love that there are both dark and light colours. You would be surprised at how often smokey eye palettes fail to include those necessary lighter shades! Bonus points to Hard Candy for keeping that in mind. This palette can create a number of beautiful looks....and is perfect if you are getting ready for a night out.

Overall, The Smokey Eyes palette was a total winner in my books. I love the shade selection, the quality, and the presentation. For such a reasonable price this is something you will love to have in your makeup collection. Promise! 

Have you tried this palette? What is your favourite Hard Candy product?

xo Shannon


  1. wow beautiful make up dear:)

  2. I love smokey eyes, this palette has such nice shades. I've never heard of this brand, though, hope I'll find it in my country some day.

  3. I love it this palette
    All the colors are really beautiful

  4. Didn't heard about Hard candy ever. This palette is sooo cool and beautiful <3 Love the colours!

    Lots of love!

  5. Very Nice makeup Dear ;)
    kisses :*

  6. Wow!! Loving the colors and your makeup as usual!! I need to take classes on eyeshadow application from you!

  7. Great post, lovely palette and your eye makeup on the point!!! <3

  8. I think this palette with just its packaging is a winner already; I love it! And ahhh, the shades are gorgeous!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

  9. I reaaaaaally have to try this brand, you sound so positive about it that I really feel the urge to try it, also because you look completely stunning with this eye look. What an amazing look dear, you look so pretty!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  10. I've yet to try Hard Candy but this looks like a wonderful set! ~~

    Celly | Asian Beauty and Makeup Blog


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