Wednesday, September 23, 2015

YouTube: Review - Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect Foundation

I wouldn't exactly call myself a foundation junkie. I know a lot of product lovers out there who simply have to try every foundation on the market. That is not me. Which isn't to say I haven't tried out my fair share of foundations. By this point I have tried dozens of different types. From high end to drugstore and back again. After finding a foundation that I loved....the search was over. I didn't feel the need to try out product after product. (Shocking, I know!) Which is why it was unusual for me to pick up a new foundation for no reason at all.

A little while ago I posted my big beauty haul video on YouTube. One of the items I picked up was the Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect Foundation. There was a reason I chose to add this to my collection. Over the years, I have heard amazing things about the Bourjois foundations. Blogger after blogger has raved about the different foundations on the market. So I decided to finally take the plunge. I was going to try out a Bourjois foundation. Finally! That is exactly what I have been doing for the last several weeks. I have incorporated this product into my daily routine to see how it fares.

How did it work? You will have to watch my latest YouTube video to find out! I recently posted my full review on Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel. It is my 15th video...which is a crazy thought. It is hard to believe I have been able to film, get more comfortable on camera, and push myself creatively in this way.

So.....was the Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect Foundation a fabulous foundation? A total flop? Check out my video below to find out.

There are some foundations that wow and others that fall flat. This one? Sort of in between. Despite this, I am glad that I was able to finally try a Bourjois foundation. Especially after hearing about them for so long! For my day-to-day routine though? I think I will stick with my tried and trusted Rimmel Clean Finish.

Have you tried this foundation? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. great review,it sounds awesome
    15th video that great too

  2. Lovely video as per usual! My purse is definitely going to take a bruising because of this post haha xx

    How To Dress for a Fashion Interview

  3. I haven't tried that specific foundation from Bourjois, but I love their powder foundation.. really amazing! Thanks for the review :)

    -- new blogpost in my blog :)
    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  4. Great!
    Please follow my blog:

  5. I NEVER TESTED THIS FOUNDATION! now I see the video!

  6. I watched your review and I found it very helpful! I usually love Bourjois products, but I think this one I'd better skip!
    You're getting better & better on youtube and I love your reviews!
    I already mentioned, I'd love to do a collab with you! Maybe fall beauty must haves or something similar? Let me know!
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  7. Didn't know about your YT channel! One new subscriber here, love. I'm going to see your videos! <3

  8. I only like cream based foundations that come in a cake so am still looking for the best. Friends have suggested MAC but its too expensive
    June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

  9. I love to hear other people's opinions on products. Nice blog. Let me know if yo want to follow each other!

  10. Thanks for this honest review, Shannon:) I guess this would be ok for the summer, but I'm more of a cream foundation gal myself. The runniness would be a no-go for me unfortunately.

  11. I have not had the opportunity to try the product, I'm going to watch the video.

  12. I always love your honest reviews, Shannon, thx for another great one. I haven't tried this one yet but I might give it a try.

  13. Love this review. Sometimes its good to try others to get back to your tried and true.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  14. Great review, thanks for sharing!


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