Thursday, October 1, 2015

adventures are the best way to learn.

Exciting news. I am Vegas bound! That's right. By the time you read this I will already be on my way to sunny Las Vegas. I couldn't be more excited. Travelling is one my favourite things to I try to do it as much as possible. Why am I heading to Nevada? My mom and I have been planning this trip for a while. It actually started last year. We had tickets to see Celine Dion perform at Caesar's Palace. Just before the scheduled trip she cancelled all of her performances. Understandably so, but it changed the purpose of our vacation.

When tickets for Celine went back on sale this year we were a little hesitant. There was no guarantee the concert would go as planned. It was risky to schedule another vacation around the show. Our solution? To make sure we had more than one reason to travel. We ended up buying tickets for both Celine and Donny & Marie. I am a massive fan of all of them. In fact I have seen Donny & Marie twice already. They are amazing! Which is how my mom and I ended up buying the Meet and Greet tickets as well.

Somehow our Celine trip has turned into an oh-my-gosh-I-am-going-to-meet-Donny-Osmond trip instead. Needless to say, I am ridiculously excited. What else do we have planned? Shopping and seeing the sights. This will be my fourth time visiting Las Vegas (once when I was a kid, once with my friend, and once with my mom) - but every time I go there it seems to be a very different experience. Here is hoping it lives up to my expectations.

I won't be blogging while I am away. But stay tuned! After I get back from my trip I will fill you in on everything that happened.

Do you have any travel plans?

xo Shannon


  1. It sounds exciting. I can't wait to read all the juicy detail about your trip.

  2. That is so cool! Hope you have the time of your life!

  3. that all sounds like so much fun! i hope you have a great trip :)

  4. Oh my best wishes for your trip!

  5. Thanks for your visit! have a great week! kiss 🍄🍁🍂🌂☔

  6. Thanks for your visit! have a great week! kiss 🍄🍁🍂🌂☔

  7. Lovely and great post . I really like it. Thank you for visiting my blog. Keep in touch, pls. Big kiss

  8. Have an absolute blast girl! I've seen Celine in concert at Caesar's Palace and she moved me so much I cried lol. I would definitely see her again!

  9. Great blog! Would you like to follow each other?

    let me know on

  10. Ahh! How exciting! Have a blast!

    I did such heavy traveling this summer, I haven't done a lot in the past few months; but I did cross the border and spent a few hours in Toronto for a hours.

    Can't wait for the recap!

  11. That's so cool, Shannon. I am sure you'll have an amazing time.

  12. ...I also want to go in las!!!!!!

  13. hope you had fun in viva las vegas!!! xoxo


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