Saturday, October 17, 2015

i wake up for makeup.

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


Packaging. It seems like such a simple thing....but it does so much. There are the functional aspects of it, of course. You need your beauty products to work well and be accessible. Packaging is about so much more than functionality though. Just think about it. How many times have you bought something purely because the packaging was cute? Maybe that lipstick had studs on the outside or that eyeshadow palette came in the shape of a princess carriage. There is something about those little details that manages to draw us in, excite, and lead us to splurge on beauty.

One example of gorgeous packaging? The line of Milani Powder Blush shades. I remember the first time I saw one. That rose design in the product instantly caught my eye. It was cute, flirty, and ultra romantic. Whether I had a similar shade or not? Suddenly that become unimportant. One thing was for sure. I did not have a blush in the shape of a rose! After months and months of putting it off, saying no, and being practical, I did it. I bought my first Milani Powder Blush. The shade that I took home was Coral Cove. If you couldn't tell from the name itself, it is a beautiful pinkey coral colour.

There are a lot of things about this blush that I love. Aside from the packaging and design. I also adore the stunning shade. I chose this because I do not have a lot of pink toned coral blush shades in  my collection. Orange corals? Absolutely. But this was just a little bit different for me. It can be built up to look super bright, bold, and over the top. Or it can be toned down to look more like a glowing peach shade. The versatility is fantastic. I love a product that can be worn in more than one way. Something else I really love is the texture. This blush is so soft and smooth. It blends well on the skin....which is always a must for me.  

Lately? I am all about this beautiful blush. Even though my initial reason for purchasing it was that breathtaking rose design, it has exceeded my expectations. I love the way it looks, the quality, and the colour. No wonder I find myself reaching for this over and over again. Here is a look at the product in action. I wore it on a recent night out...

My experience with the Milani Powder Blush was as positive one. It is by far one of the stand outs in my (admittedly large) blush collection. I even took this away with me on my trip to Vegas! It is a stunning blush shade that won't break the bank. Score!

Have you tried any of the Milani blush shades? What do you think of this colour?

xo Shannon


  1. Beautiful shade, Shannon. I love your makeup, it looks gorgeous. You know I am a fan of Milani blushes, they are so well pigmented, and the packaging is just too cute. Happy weekend, hon.

  2. I'm not into shades but you look great with it , seriously :)

    Dear Marilyn

  3. I love the Milani's Blush. This is adorable. I have Lady Rouge but Coral Cove is the next ;)

  4. Looking pretty x

  5. nice color <3


  6. Oh that blush is soooo nice! I loved it! both the packaging and product

  7.'s so romantic...and very pretty shade!!!!!!


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