Tuesday, October 13, 2015

the best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you.

A confession? I don't own a lot of single eyeshadows. Rarely am I so awe-struck by one single shade that I find myself reaching for it over a duo, trio, or palette. Quite frankly, I like to get the most bang for my buck. I also like having options. Despite this, a single shadow managed to make its way into my life fairly recently. It is Orchid by Caryl Baker. I was immediately drawn to the colour. On a day to day basis I love a good smokey eye. Typically I will stick to shades of brown, gold, or black....but I love mixing it up with a navy or purple as well.

Which is why Orchid is such a standout shade. It is a deep purple with flecks of gold throughout. The texture is super smooth and buttery. One thing I really love is the fact that this looks exactly the same in the pan as it does on my eyes. There is nothing worse than a shadow that looks gorgeous in the packaging - but fails to deliver when you put it on. Thankfully this shadow delivers in terms of quality. The packaging is fabulous as well. It is extremely sturdy and durable. (Which means if I happen to drop it...which I am known to do...the shadow will not break. Score!)

The only downside? I am less likely to bring this along with me when I travel or stow away in my makeup bag. It simply doesn't have the versatility of a trio or small palette. That is why I tend to stay away from those single shadows and opt for multiple colours instead. They are much better when you are on the go! Despite the fact that it is a single....I love it. The colour is beautiful and it creates a beautiful smokey eye look.

There is nothing I like more than a dramatic smokey eye. With Orchid by my side, I will have no trouble creating a super sultry makeup look! Now that fall is here I am embracing smokey eyes more than ever. Purples, greens, and browns are my favourites. I am sure this shade will be popping up in my makeup looks every now and again. It is absolutely gorgeous! 

What do you think of this shade? 

xo Shannon


  1. Pretty color :)))


  2. I have to agree this is the perfect shade for fall! I also never really take singles with me when I travel, I prefer to carry palettes.

  3. This looks like such a pretty shade and definitely one I'd love to add to my collection :) x

  4. beautiful

  5. Lovely Post!!! <3


  6. This looks so pretty ♥♥


  7. wow,so beautiful
    I love the way you do your makeup

  8. This shade is just gorgeous on you! I used to use a lot of Caryl Baker coz their products are da bomb:) Must visit one of their salons again soon.


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