Wednesday, October 21, 2015

when in doubt, just add glitter.

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


Sometimes I am all about the cheeks. Other times, the eyes. Lately? My makeup obsession has to be lip products. Without trying to, it seems that more than a handful of lipsticks have found their way into my makeup collection. Oops? I suppose this is what happens when you love a bold lip! Now that fall is here I am more obsessed with bold lip colours than ever before. Deep reds, purples, and even blue are all fair game. One of my absolutely favourites right now comes from Milani. I was immediately struck by the unique shade.

Bronze. With flecks of glitter. Need I say more? This is one lipstick shade that can go from glowing summer looks to dark and dramatic fall makeup without hesitation. The name of this shade? Bronze Beauty, of course. To say I adore it would be a massive understatement. There are a few reasons for this. For starters, it is versatile. It is also ridiculously pretty. The colour is intense and pigmented - and I absolutely love the glitter. This is one of the few lip products I own that has actual glitter in it. Not shimmer or teeny tiny flecks of sparkle. Full blown glitter. That makes this lip product extra dramatic, fun, and flirty.

Like all of the Milani lipsticks I have tried, this one wins for quality, price point, and colour payoff. My only compliant is that the formula is a bit drying. Much like my beloved Kat Von D lippies. Usually I layer a lip balm over top so my lips feel a little more comfortable throughout the day. Other than that? This is a total winner. The colour is gorgeous and the packaging is glamorous. I absolutely love Bronze Beauty.

This is one lipstick I have been reaching for a lot over the last several weeks. There is no doubt in my mind that trend will continue. So, here it is! Bronze Beauty in action. I paired it with some dramatic cat-eye liner and silver glitter. Take a look....

There is something exciting about a good lipstick. It can boost your confidence and pull your makeup look together. Bronze Beauty by Milani is one of my fall favourites for sure. I cannot get enough of the colour - and of course the glitter! 

What do you think of this shade? Have you tried any Milani lip products before?

xo Shannon


  1. This is a pretty color, you look beautiful Shannon!

    The Flower Duet

    1. I totally agree, the color is gorgeous and you look beautiful, Shannon. Need to check it out.

  2. nice color!

  3. I've never tried this brand before, but I must say it looks simply amazing! Such a gorgeous colour on you!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  4. you always manage to look so stunning!! love it! new post is up sweetie!

  5. Love it!

  6. This looks such a beautiful shade, you look stunning! :D I haven't tried any yet - but I would love to! xx

    elizabeth | ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | bloglovin follow for follow

  7. amazing..:)

  8. So sparkling! I love the whole make-up!
    Happy friday beauty!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  9. woww super cute

  10. The glitter certainly brings drama to the look. Color looks great on you!


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