Friday, October 23, 2015

YouTube: Birthday Makeup Tutorial

I can admit it. In the past, I was a total birthday brat. I wanted a big party with all of my friends.....a fun night unforgettable time. The reasoning for this is simple. I am a twin so growing up I had to share all of my birthdays with my brother. That meant a joint cake and a joint birthday party. When I got a bit older I loved the idea of having a celebration that was mine and mine alone. So I started planning massive birthday dinners and club nights. Now? I have grown tired of trying to organize people. Which is why I have scaled back on my birthday this year.

My plans? To head over to my parents house for the day. My husband is unfortunately working during the day so I decided to spend time with family instead. I think we are going to have a movie day or catch up on some Netflix. Hopefully it will be nice and relaxing. After my husband gets off of work we will be going to dinner with the family (twin included), open presents, and eat some cake. Not a bad way to spend a day in my opinion! It will certainly be different than the last few years but I think that is a good thing.

Since my birthday is tomorrow I decided to film a YouTube video about it. It is a tutorial that features the makeup I plan to wear for my birthday dinner with family. I tried to create something that was pretty, polished, and just a little bit glam. Hopefully I succeeded! Take a look at Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel to see this video along with all of my others.

As you can see, my goal was to create birthday makeup that was fun yet put together. I used some of my favourite makeup products to boost my confidence and feel like a star on my big day. Overall, I had fun filming this and putting the look together. Hopefully I am as successful tomorrow!

Don't forget to check out Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel, comment, like, and subscribe. Your support means the absolute world to me.

What do you think of this makeup look? How do you celebrate your birthday?

xo Shannon


  1. Great video, I will follow thee youtube channel.

  2. You are one gorgeous lady! Love the birthday look Shannon.. definitely look like a star. :) It gets harder to get together people year after year, especially when we get older. I hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your loved ones, that's the most important part =D Belated Happy Birthday hun!

    -- new blogpost in my blog :)
    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  3. Very nice makeup :)

  4. oh wow didn't know you had a twin! happy belated again!! -alwaysonkieu

  5. beautiful this makeup! I go to see the video!

  6. Great video, you are so beautiful and it's so nice to see you talking :) lovely makeup and perfect tutorial ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  7. Your make-up it wonderful wow. I hope you had a great birthday :))

    Check out my blog

  8. Soo pretty :)) And a happy birthdaaaay! :)

  9. Happy Birthday to you Shannon! I never knew you had a twin. The makeup is perfect for celebrating your birthday with family.

  10. Love that makeup, Shannon. You are so beautiful, girl. Again happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. Never knew you had a twin. Happy Monday.

  11. what a stunning makeup look!! LOVE this!! sounds like a lot of fun too!


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