Sunday, October 11, 2015

YouTube: Las Vegas Haul - Souvenirs, Makeup, and Fashion!

The word shopaholic best describes me. At least when I go away on vacation. It doesn't matter where I go or when....I always seem to bring tons and tons of items home with me. My trip to Las Vegas was no different. This time, I managed to spend a little more than I planned. Not my fault! Around every corner there were cute t-shirts, souvenirs, and fabulous shops. 

Despite this, I did my best not to spend too much. Though I did end up bringing quite a few things back. What did I buy? Plenty of music merchandise (including Donny and Marie, Celine Dion, and Britney Spears), some makeup from Sephora, a few accessories, and lots and lots of clothes. 

Want to see it all? I filmed a YouTube video for Mansa Fashion. channel. It is dedicated to the items I purchased during my Las Vegas trip. Be sure to take a look. And don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

My trip to Las Vegas was pretty exciting. My mom and I had a great time shopping and seeing some incredible shows. We certainly made some memories! Expect a full post on that in the days to come. I cannot wait to share my stories with you. It really was a wonderful trip. For now, I just wanted to give you all a peek at the things I bought while I was away.

Have you ever been to Vegas? What do you think of the things I bought? 

xo Shannon


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