Sunday, November 15, 2015

believe in the magic of the season.

It's the greatest time of year. Well....almost. The holiday season is one that fills me with such immense joy. I think the weeks (and months) leading up to Christmas are even better than the actual day itself. Why? It gives me the chance to partake in all of the annual traditions. Decorating, wrapping gifts, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with family. I love those moments more than I could ever describe. They give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. Which is probably why I am in full blown Christmas mode. Even though it is only mid-way through November. There is something so special about the holiday season. I want to hold onto it for as long as possible.

What have I been doing to enjoy the holiday so far? My shopping list is quickly being whittled down, I have wrapped gifts I have already bought, enjoyed a candy cane (or two), watched seasonal cartoons, and today? Today my friend and I are going to see the Santa Claus Parade. This is something I am crazy excited about. I have always wanted to go.....and finally I will be able to cross that off of my holiday bucket list. It is sure to be an incredible day. I will definitely keep you all posted.

Since I am getting super into the holiday spirit, I wanted to share a few stunning seasonal photos. Looking through them makes me giddy. I love the warmth and the beauty they provide. Hopefully they make you feel the same way. Take a look!

Yes, the holiday season is on my mind. I love everything about it. Which is why I was really excited to receive a pair of snowflake earrings from INALIS to review on my YouTube channel. Take a look at this gorgeous winter accessory - along with the other items I have added to my jewellery box.

The holiday season is coming up fast. This year? I want to avoid the rush and enjoy every little moment there is. Why? I love Christmas and I love the magic of the holidays. That magic starts now.

Are you getting excited for the holidays?

xo Shannon


  1. Well done thank you for sharing.

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  2. I am getting into the mood as well, can't wait to get a new Christmas tree :) Kisses

    New post on Fashion and Cookies

  3. ...lovely photos...this period is really magic!!!!!!

  4. Ohh lovely Christmas! ^^ I was born on Christmas day so It's even a more special period of time! :)

  5. Shannon, way to go! I love people who love the holidays:D I think I'm gonna try to bring the kiddos to the Santa Claus parade next year. My younger sis used to volunteer every year, and she said it was a blast.

  6. I couldn't possibly agree more with you. Christmas is truly my favorite time of the year. Not even the summer holidays can top it. The songs, the fairy lights, the presents, the tree, the hot chocolate.. like you said, it warms me up inside. It's a great time to reflect and spend quality time with loved ones and truly appreciate how great life is. It's such a magical time, it takes me back to when I was a kid, waiting for Santa and looking at my reflection in the shiny tree baubles.

    Thank you for this post, it makes me so happy to see that other people take joy in Christmas. With all the awful things that are happening around us everyday, it feels good to just escape for a while.

    Do you wanna follow each other? Let me know on my blog! Xo

  7. Love this post! I adore Christmas it is the best time of year fr so many reasons. Glad it's not just me that is feeling super Christmassy already!!

    Lottie. x


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