Friday, November 13, 2015

in love with: style art

Fashion? Beauty? They have always been linked to art and expression. For me, clothing has always been more than a cool top or a bold print. It tells the world: This is who I am. This is how I feel. Perhaps that is why Style Art stood out to me so much. The website ( is a venue for creativity. For stunning fashion. For personality and individualism.

So, just what is Style Art? This website works in two different ways. One way to use it? You create and sell your own designs. That includes t-shirts, tops, accessories, and even shoes. Once you have come up with your design it is uploaded to the website. What next? You earn commission every sale your design makes. For fashion lovers? Style Art is a place to shop for unique items you won't find anywhere else. That means fashion forward designs that speak to your own personal style.

Instantly I fell in love with the idea. There is something special about selling your own design. It gives you the chance to tap into your creative side and share your vision with fellow fashionistas. On the flip side? There is something exciting about shopping for pieces that aren't being sold in every H&M, Forever 21, and Zara. Browsing through the wide selection of pieces gives you the opportunity to change up your wardrobe, do something different, and add some pizzazz to your next look. Pretty cool, huh?

While I love the idea of designing my own tee....I opted to choose a design by someone else instead. The reasoning is simple. The moment I saw it, I had to have it! (Fashion is like that sometimes, isn't it?) The Drew Barrymore Women's Continental Tunic Vest in White took my breath away. I love the selection of pictures, the way they are laid out, and the laid-back carefree vibe the piece has. The moment it arrived at my doorstep I could not contain my excitement.

The shirt looks just like it did on the website. That always impresses me. There is nothing more disappointing than ordering something and ending up with a piece that looks drastically different. Other pluses? The colours on the shirt are vibrant, the t-shirt material is super soft, and the fit is perfectly relaxed. It is a gorgeous tank that I cannot wait to wear over and over again. Here is a closer look at my new favourite tee!

Looking to create your own piece? Or to pick up something special? Then be sure to check out the Style Art website. You will not be disappointed! The concept of the company is fabulous....and the products are even better. Be sure to take a look.

What do you think of this tank top? Have you used Style Art before?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice blouse:) You look beautiful:)

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  2. Lovely post, thanks for sharing! :)

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  3. Cute tank top print, you look beautiful!

    The Flower Duet

  4. Amazing shirt,you look cute!

  5. very fashionable this tee! I run the site!

  6. wow this tee luks awesome on you

  7. I love Drew, it's a gorgeous shirt. :) You look beautiful. x

  8. Really cute!

    Ana ♥ N/POST


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