Wednesday, December 9, 2015

mini haul: the face shop

Something I am trying to do? Take better care of my skin. This is especially important now that winter is on the way. We all have our own skin issues to deal with. But come cold weather? The most common has to be dryness. My skin tends to be very dry in I typically dread the return of winter. It never fails to wreak havoc on my skin. Which is why I decided to pay a visit to The Face Shop. This is a relatively new store in my area - and it is fabulous. They have a ton of different masks, skin care products, and even a little bit of makeup. The best part? The prices. Everything is super affordable.

As you can see from the picture above, I picked up a few different items while I was there. They were: The Face Shop Hand Mask, Face Mask With Honey, Milk Calcium Nail Pack, and the Over Girl Eye Stick. My main focus was definitely moisture, moisture, and more moisture. I got a face mask, a hand mask, and a nail mask. Why? My hands have been super dry and irritated lately. The dry air in the apartment combined with the cool weather? Not good. So I am hoping these masks will give my hands (and face!) some much needed moisture.

The other item I picked up was the Over Girl Eye Stick. It is essentially a cream eyeshadow in a pen form. It twists up from the bottom and has a slanted cap. That makes application super simple. (Which is great when you are running late in the morning.) The shade is a true gold. It has tons of shimmer though the pigmentation is only okay. This is good as a one-shadow look when you want something understated but fun. I actually think I might keep this in  my purse. It would be a great touch up item because of all the glitter and shimmer. Perfect to transition a makeup look from day to night!

Overall I am very excited about this mini haul from The Face Shop. Their masks are fantastic and I know that these will come in handy over the next little while. Fingers crossed they will help me combat dry skin all season long.

What are your dry skin secrets? Have you bought anything from The Face Shop?

xo Shannon


  1. great products :)

  2. So many lovely little products!

    xx Chelsea

  3. The Face Shop is one of my favourite shops to pick up beauty items just because I find that their products work well on my Asian skin. They've got the best masks there!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  4. Great! I following you ♥

  5. These sound really nice! For glowing skin, try and have a glass of warm water with lime and honey every morning! Really helps

  6. I don't have a dry skin face, but with these masks I think you will manage the problem.

  7. I know what you're talking about, Shannon, my skin turns into dessert this time of year :( Sounds like great products, I hope they work for you. I bought the Clinique moisture surge intense. So far not too happy with it.

  8. winter is so merciless for face! I wish I could use more products now!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  9. Sounds like great product:) I love face masks:)

  10. fantastic!

  11. fantastic!

  12. I've been meaning to buy some stuff from The Face Shop but I never knew if they're good or not. Thanks for this post, Shannon. Now, I know:D


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