Friday, December 11, 2015

my top five favourite christmas cds.

It is crazy how quickly time is flying by. Before? I was desperately counting down the days until December 1st. I knew that once December hit.....I could listen to Christmas music at work, watch holiday movies with my family, and enjoy my advent calendar of course. There are just so many wonderful ways to celebrate the season this month. But now I feel like time is going by so quickly. I just want to slow things down so that I can appreciate every little moment.

Which is what inspired today's post. I want to slow down....pause....and reflect on the the things that make me happy. Like Christmas music. Honestly, I listen to these songs all year round. I do not need a time of year to enjoy a festive tune or two. (Or three!) There is something so undeniably special about holiday songs. They make me smile, inspire, and give me that warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes when I am worried or upset, I listen, and feel all the tension melt away.

Now that the holiday season is officially underway I have been listening to Christmas music non-stop. I just love it! So I thought that I would share my top five favourite holiday CDs with you. While there are many more that I listen to throughout the season, these hold a special place in my heart.

1. John Denver and The Muppets: A Christmas Together

Most people expect my favourite holiday CD is the number two entry on this list. In actual fact, it is from John Denver and the Muppets. I have been listening to this my entire life. I remember lying on the floor in my living room when I was very young. My mom had the record player going and I was singing along to It's In Every One Of Us. In my memory that moment is utterly perfect. Every time I listen to that album I am taken back to those special Christmas memories. 

2. Hanson: Snowed In 

Of course this album had to make the list! Hanson is my favourite band. I love them more than I could possibly express. Their Christmas album is one that I have listened to hundreds upon hundreds of times. From those opening notes of Merry Christmas Baby to songs like At Christmas and O Holy Night.....this CD is a massive part of my life. I have so many memories attached to it. Listening on my way home from school. Baking cupcakes with my mom while we rocked out to Little Saint Nick. This holiday album is special. And I will never stop loving it.

3. David Archuleta: Christmas From The Heart

Some holiday CDs are better than others. But every once and a while a really special one comes along to make the season brighter. That is exactly what happened with David Archuleta's. It is amazing. There is a beautiful mix of traditional songs, Spanish Christmas songs, and new songs as well. The standout for me has to be Melodies of Christmas. It perfectly represents the spirit of the season. It is one of the few contemporary Christmas songs that stands tall next to the beloved classics.

4. Clay Aiken: Merry Christmas With Love

Another favourite on my list comes from Clay Aiken. My mom and I are massive fans. We have been since his days on Idol. Since then we have seen him in concert and on Broadway multiple times. In fact, we used to drive all over the place just to see him! Which is probably why this Christmas album is so special to me. Every year my mom and I turn up the volume really loud, sit on the couch, and just listen. It is so rare these days to sit and listen to music and do nothing else. But I love it. His version of Mary Did You Know? is beyond incredible. I can't even deal with it.

5. The Holly Tree Players: Christmas Sax

The last CD on my favourites list is actually not the one pictured above. I sadly could not find the cover art for the album I own. Last year I bought this set of Christmas CDs. There was one with a choir, one with jazz classics, traditional songs, and then a saxophone album. The moment I put on that saxophone album I felt so connected to the season. The music made me feel calm, peaceful, and happy. Now? I get that feeling every single time I listen to it. This CD holds such a special place in my heart.

There you have it! My favourite Christmas CDs. One of my other favourites (Bing Crosby) was mentioned in a previous post so I decided to leave it out of this post. But for all intensive purposes....this list is pretty much complete. Phew!

What are your favourite holiday CDs?

xo Shannon


  1. Great entry , thank you for your visit!!kiss...

  2. Yes, it is never too early! Or at least .. it is not early anymore .. I'll be doing my Christmas tree this night and I'm planning on listening to a lot of Christmas songs =D

  3. John Denver and the Muppets is one of my favorites too, Shannon. Great list, btw! Enjoy your weekend, doll.

  4. You inspired me to get myself some new Christmas music Shannon ! Thank you =) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  5. Lovely music <3


  6. Christmas music is always so good and festive!

    Check out my new post:

  7. I love your blog ! I'm here accidentally :) I am delighted!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)

  8. Great picks!! I'm going to add them to my Xmas playlists :)



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