Wednesday, December 30, 2015

the first chapter is new years day.

2016 is on the horizon. That is a very strange thing to write. It seems like this year zoomed by. Like time was moving faster than usual. I am sure I feel the same way at the end of every year....but it seems more prominent this time. Maybe that is because of all the changes that have happened. 2015 was a total blur of wedding planning, packing, marriage, moving, unpacking, and all the rest. It was certainly a year of transition. But now? Things seem to be settling in to place.

Like every year, there are certain things I hope to accomplish. Mainly in terms of my career and continued self growth. My dream? To be a full time writer and only a full time writer. (Rather than writing full time while also working a full time job.) My goal is to move forward and get at least a step or two closer to that dream. In terms of self growth....this year has been about looking inward. About finding myself, expanding my mind, and being open to new possibilities. That in itself excites me about the year ahead.

Who knows what 2016 will bring. What I do know? That 2015 was a total blur with some major highlights. There were moments I will remember for the rest of my life. My life is moving forward and I am happier than I have ever been. That makes me optimistic about things still to come.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Years celebration with family and friends. I will be! Actually, this will be the first time that I do anything for New Years other than watch a TV countdown. My husband and I are going to a friends place - and I am pretty excited about it. Here is hoping it will live up to my expectations. And that the first moments of 2016 are joyous.

How are you celebrating this year? What are your New Years Resolutions?

xo Shannon


  1. Happy New Year!!

  2. Happy new year to you and your family!

  3. I completely agree! This year was full of a lot of changes. It went SO quickly! I feel like it goes by slowly during the day, but when you look back.. where did the year go?! I always stay home and watch the Rockin' Eve. Some years I go out with friends, but it just feels so weird! Happy 2016 to you, doll.

  4. Wishing you a happy and joy filled New Year.

  5. Happy new year!


  6. Love your post, great content!
    Happy New Year!! Wish you and your loved ones all the best!

  7. i totally agree with u ") time really flies :) wishing us a happy new year though... let's make this 2016 a better and happier year for us :) The Girl with the Muji Hat

  8. Really happy new Yeare darling, i'm agree with you! smack
    Federica - Cosa Mi Metto???

  9. Happy new year beautiful ^__^ 2015 isn't a great year for me. Nothing nice to remember. I hope for 2016. Kiss

  10. I wish you a happy new year!
    Kisses from germany, Sophie♥

  11. Amazing post!!!my best wishes to you , happy new year!!!


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