Thursday, December 3, 2015

three reasons to embrace sweater season.

This is my favourite time of year. Why? Holiday music is playing in every store. Christmas movies are on my TV set. And of course, we are fully immersed in sweater season. The latter is of particular interest to me. Day after day, I find myself reaching for a sweater from my closet. Whether I am lounging around the apartment for the afternoon or plan on meeting friends....a sweater is never amiss. Especially now that the winter season is fast approaching. Still clinging to early fall styles? Can't quite commit yourself to sweater weather? You should. Here are three reasons to embrace the official start of sweater season.

One. Sweaters Are Comfy and Cozy.

Let's start with the most important reason sweaters are fabulous. Comfort! While I love getting glammed up every now and then....when it comes down to it, comfort is key. That is why I love late fall/early winter. You can throw on a cozy sweater and look absolutely fabulous. It doesn't matter where you are going or what the occasion is. A sweater is always a great idea. It blends style with comfort. And that is a pretty incredible thing.

Two. They Can Be Fashion Forward.

Remember the old days? When a chunky sweater was seen as frumpy or unfashionable? Not anymore. These days all of the hottest trends embrace knitwear. That means you can be totally fashion forward in a sweater. Throw on an oversized throw, wear a fitted sweater with a pair of coloured pants, or rock it with a pair of tights. The possibilities are endless. Take some seasonal inspiration from the runways, your favourite celebrities, and beauty bloggers. You will look better than ever before.

Three. You Can Dress Up Any and All Sweaters. 

Sweaters aren't just on trend. They are also versatile. They can be worn in so many different ways. That's right! A sweater dress is perfect for a holiday party, a black sweater can dress down a sequined skirt, and a sweater with embellishments can add oomph to a simple pair of denim jeans. Add on accessories to alter your outfit....and know that your look can be dressed up or dressed down. Make the most of this versatile item. Stock your closet with tons and tons of gorgeous sweaters.

See? Sweater season is a pretty exciting time. You get to look great and feel amazing all day long. Not a bad way to stay warm this season. So the next time you don't know what to wear, reach for a sweater. Trust me. You will feel flawless.

Why do you love sweater season?

xo Shannon


  1. I am totally with you, Shannon. This is the best part of the year and I love love love sweaters. Wishing you a fantastic day.

  2. I love sweaters.With a nice sweater you can be sure to stand out

  3. Very nice !!Thanks for stopping by my blog and leave a nice comment , happy weekend!!!kiss!!!

  4. nothing I love more than sweaters this time of year! Lovely post

  5. I love sweaters too~! <33

  6. too bad we dont have a sweater season here in our country. our december is still hot :( but anyway, i really love sweaters. :)

    I just followed you on GFC. hope you can follow me back :)

    Aiya Suen

  7. I like sweaters - Have a fantastic weekend, and thank you for your nice comment:)



  8. I love sweaters because i can wear them with so many things and i can look good in them even on days when i don't feel like dressing up.

  9. Sweaters, sweaters! the bigger, the better :D

    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know, dear*
    Love, Marie Roget

  10. I'm obsessed with sweater weather. It's probably one of the top reasons why I love the winter season so much because I can hide away in a comfy sweater and throw on any old jeans and still look okay. :) Great post!

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'

  11. I love sweaters, but I hate freezing cold weater. I like bearable cold (yes, I know that sounds funny), like late autumn and early spring better. Kisses!

  12. I must admit I'm more of a summer girl, but wearing sweaters is one reason I can stand winter:D I'm obsessing over the big chunky knitted ones!

  13. I'm a sweater garland the only thing that keeps me positive in winter!

    Inside and Outside Blog


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