Wednesday, January 6, 2016

all was right with the world.

This was my first Christmas not living at home. And of course, my first Christmas being married. It was wonderful to spend the morning with my husband....creating our own special holiday traditions. We opened gifts and ate chocolate by the glow of the tree. All while Bing Crosby played in the background. Pure bliss! The only downside? I missed all of my family traditions. Like waking up way too early. My brother and I looking through our stockings. And the sound of my dad turning on the coffee maker. It felt strange to be a guest in the house that was mine for so long.

I guess I have always struggled with change. It took me a long time to settle into the apartment and get used to my new home. Now that Christmas is over and we have celebrated our first holiday here? It finally feels like ours. So that was nice. This Christmas was different in so many ways......yet the same, too. My husband was working on Christmas Eve so I went to my parents house to bake, listen to music, watch movies, and see the lights around the neighbourhood. I think I appreciate those moments even more now. Does that make sense?

As for Christmas was a total blur. The hubby and I had our own Christmas celebration at the apartment. Then it was off to his parents house and then to my own. After opening gifts, he went back to his parents for Christmas dinner and I stayed with my family. was definitely different. I am used to waking up, putting on my PJs, and not moving from the living room couch. This year there were a lot of moving pieces. Now that it is all over? I confess, I am a little sad. I usually am at this time of year. Christmas holds such a special place in my heart. It always makes me sad when the lights dim and the yuletide cheer fades away. Sigh.

So, today's post is much needed. I wanted to share with you some of my favourite snaps from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If only because it makes me smile to look at them again.....

It's over. The holiday season is behind us and it is back to the same old routines. There is something very bittersweet about that. But to paraphrase my husband, "Christmas needs to go away so you can appreciate it again next year." Smart, huh?

How did you celebrate Christmas this year? Share your stories!

xo Shannon


  1. Thx for sharing your precious memories with us, Shannon. Your DH is right, cherish your first one together and look forward to the next one. Happy 2016, girl!!

  2. Wow, I had a similar experience! I'm not married, but this was the first Christmas in our new house and it was definitely weird. This is also the first year my grandparents didn't join us to open gifts in the morning because my pop-pop hasn't been doing too well health-wise. It was a lot of change all at once, but it turned out to be alright. In 2014 I thought everything was going to stay the same, but I'm kind of glad I didn't know all the change that was going to take place because then I would have just gotten hung up on taking everything in and probably not have enjoyed the last Christmas in our house. Anyways... cheers to change!

  3. All your pictures look lovely x

  4. Oooo, you 2 looks so cute, happy holidays.
    If you want subscribe on my blog

  5. Im a creature of habit too, I hate change! xx

  6. I feel the same! I've spent Christmas time in London and my family in Spain...My Bday is on 25th December so you can imagine how hard is to be in another country :(

    Happy 2016!

  7. both of you look so cute.
    and This looks so cute for a birthday or christmas cake!
    merry christmas&happy new year!

    would you like to follow each other on GFC & G+? If you follow me,
    I will follow you back after it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I moved out again not long ago, so I can understand that feeling, where it's almost as though you're just simply out of place. It's a struggle to feel at peace and feel as though you're at home. But it all comes eventually. I absolutely love that gingerbread house and I hope you had a lovely Christmas :) cute lil couple too !

  10. cute hairstyle !!!! I am sure that the first Christmas married you've got so many emotions and the memories shared with your family of origin will remain forever in your heart!

  11. happy new years!! i'm kind of excited to start the new year with the old routines too! xo

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  13. ;D

    Adorei suas fotos! Pirei no penteado! hahaha!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  14. Awww, what a beautiful post for the holidays. It sounds like you had a spectacular Holiday season Shannon! Happy New Years <3

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin'

  15. I love those photos, super cute <3

  16. Wow Shannon! I can so relate! I always feel so sad when the holidays end. There is just something so magical and emotional about the holiday season. I still live at home with my parents, but when both of my sisters got married and moved into their own homes...I felt that emptiness on Christmas morning. But change and new traditions are good! I know if that ever happens for'll take me a while to adjust too, but like you said so many new exciting things to look forward too. Anyways, hope you had a wonderful holiday season and hope 2016 is off to an incredible start! <3

  17. cheers! here's to more christmases with our loved ones!


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