Wednesday, February 24, 2016

for me? jewellery is a way of keeping memories alive.

Jewelley has been on my mind a lot lately. Probably because my friend and I are determined to wear different pieces in our collection. To branch out from the norm. To get a little more creative. The reasoning behind this is pretty simple. Despite all of the jewellery in our collections....we wear the same pieces over and over again. This is something I am very guilty of. There are so many items stored and stacked in my jewellery holder. Yet in a pinch? I reach for the same things time and time again. There is nothing wrong with having favourites. Nothing at all. But there is something limiting about ignoring fantastic accessories out of habit. 

Over the last little while I have done a pretty good job of branching out. Changing up my earrings. Adding on a bracelet. Reaching for a different purse. After all...what is the point of having so many amazing pieces if I never bother to wear them? So yes. That resolution has been going pretty well so far. And honestly? It has actually been fun to challenge myself a little. I feel like I am slowly getting out of my fashion rut. (The winter months are the worst for this. I cannot wait for it to be warm so I can start having fun with my clothing again! It has been all sweaters all the time lately.) 

Which is why I didn't feel too guilty about purchasing some new accessories. My mom and I were doing a bit of shopping before an appointment. And we managed to score some fantastic deals. It is always nice when that happens! Since accessories are at the forefront of my mind as of late....I thought this would be the perfect excuse to show you these new pieces. 

The first is from Bella Jack. As you can see from the picture above? These earrings are glittering gold stars. They are the behind-the-ear style....which is super pretty and on trend. Always nice! I have been loving these lately. I wore them to the movies and out running errands with my husband. There is just something about them. They are just fun, cute, and easy to wear. They add a little glitz to an outfit without making it too sophisticated or over the top. Definitely a great pair of earrings for daytime or a casual get together. 

Next up? One of my favourite pieces in my jewellery collection. Period. This was a bit of a splurge was love at first sight. Sometimes? A piece of jewellery just takes your breath away. When that happens there is no denying it. You simply have to take the plunge. That is exactly what I did with this Michael Kors bracelet. It is beyond adorable. Gold in colour and oh-so-cute. The design looks like a belt! It even has a working buckle. The concept was so fun. I could not resist! What I really love about this piece? Even though it is a little still looks super elegant. It has this wonderful blend of whimsy and elegance. I cannot stop wearing it. 

These are some of the newest pieces in my collection. Ones I have fallen head over heels with. They make this jewellery challenge a whole lot easier. The only downside? I might wind up reaching for these over and over again! 

What are your favourite pieces of jewellery? Have you ever been in an accessories rut?

xo Shannon


  1. The earring are so cute, I like it !

    The Flower Duet

  2. I love jewelry. The earrings are cute and that bracelet is......gorgeous.

  3. Love these ones you got! I've been in an accessories rut for the last few years… hahaha

  4. Your Michael Kors bracelet is gorgeous!!!:) X

  5. Woow, really great post. I'm not wearing jewerly, because in the morning I don'y have time to set it up. I love this bracelet from Michael Kors. Your style is really amazimg. Sorry for all the mistakes i have taken, i'm from Poland :)

  6. Jewels are my passion.Michael Kors bracelet is my favorite
    I love your blog. Visit mine if you want

  7. In general, my jewerly passion is CK rings .. but I'm so in love with that MK bracelet! Want it so much!

  8. Wow, it is so pretty!


  9. bellissimo questo bracciale Michael Kors
    un bacio e buona domenica

  10. I love jewellery, a beautiful statement piece can totally change your outfit:)

    Fashion Memos-

  11. I think this is so true for so many people! I always see jewelry getting passed down in my family and it's so cool. I try to branch out more as well, but I do the same thing: never wear it once I buy it! I'm glad you're doing well with it, though. Jewelry is such a fun way of self expression!

  12. it's so pretty!!!

  13. ;)

    Peças lindíssimas! Achei de muito bom gosto.

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  14. Beautiful post dear! I like this a lot.

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  15. ...I love the bracelets!!!!!!


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