Saturday, February 13, 2016

happy valentine's day.

Romance is on my mind. Perhaps this is because it is February. The month of love, passion, and all things romantic. Being a fan of holidays....Valentine's Day always makes me smile. In the past? My parents would spoil me with cards, flowers, and candy hearts. Now? Things are different. This will be my first Valentine's Day not living at home. That means no cards, flowers, or candy hearts. Truth be told, it makes me a little sad. My mom always goes over the top for holidays. That means in addition to all of the little gifts, she would bake a heart shaped cake, and we would watch a girly movie. I will really miss that this year. Especially since my husband is (and has always been) anti-Valentine's Day. He says he would rather do little things for no reason. And he does do plenty of little things. But me? I love all of the fuss that the holiday brings.

That is why I created my own tradition. Instead of my husband buying me gifts and chocolates on the 14th....I do things for him. It's nothing crazy. Just a card, a small gift, and some cinnamon hearts. Then I cook dinner and dessert (which is rare as cooking is really note my forte) and we watch a movie together on the couch. It is a pretty good compromise, I think. It makes me feel good to spoil him a little. Since he does so much for me on a day-to-day basis. Already I am gearing up for tomorrow. It will be our first Valentine's Day as husband and wife. So, I hope to make it special.

It's hard to believe Valentine's Day is tomorrow. It seems like time is going faster and faster lately. Does anybody else feel this way? Here is hoping that the holiday will give us all an excuse to stop, slow down, and appreciate the little moments that life has to offer. Searching for some seasonal inspiration? Today I wanted to share a few of my favourite holiday pictures with you....

Tomorrow is the big day. A day full of love, romance, and wonder. Whether you are attached or single, I hope that you all have a fabulous day. Be sure to eat lots of chocolate and celebrate all of the beauty life has to offer. And don't forget to spread the love! Compliment a stranger, message an old friend, or smile at someone in the elevator.

What do you have planned for Valentine's Day? Do you have any traditions?

xo Shannon


  1. Spending time with our beloved ones this is the greatest gift for us and them.Have a great day tomorrow!

  2. Spending time with our beloved ones this is the greatest gift for us and them.Have a great day tomorrow!

  3. nice! happy valentine's day!

  4. Hope you will enjoy your day tomorrow xoxo

  5. Happy first Valentine's day for you and your husband, I hope you both have a special Valentine.


  6. Happy first Valentine's day for you and your husband, I hope you both have a special Valentine.


  7. such a nice blog! :)

    xoxo Sienna

  8. Happy Valentine's Day! I wish I could like the holiday more. I always get too caught up in all the social media posts with people and their significant others. The days are going by so quickly! I can't believe how quickly this semester is going, let alone the year. Spread some love today as well!

  9. Hope your day was great. I spent it with family!


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