Saturday, February 6, 2016

if you're sad....add more lipstick.

It is no secret. I love makeup....a lot. Over the years, it has gone from a part time hobby to a full blown obsession. There is nothing I love more than creating a new look or testing out different products. Those moments tend to be blissfully happy. For some people, the process of getting ready is grueling. Annoying even. For me? Getting ready is exciting. That moment of looking through your eyeshadow palettes, your eyeliners, and lipstick shades until inspiration strikes. Ahh, it makes me giddy just to think of it now.

Most recently? Inspiration hit while digging through my lipstick collection. I came across a couple of the Revlon ColorBurst lip crayons. There are a number of different shades in my collection already. But a while back these were being sold in a duo. Two for the price of one. How could a makeup junkie resist? Despite buying them several months ago....I am only reaching for them now. Perhaps it is because Valentine's Day is coming up. My makeup looks have been far more romantic than usual. Over the last few weeks, it has been shimmery neutrals on the eyes and rosy pink lips. Speaking of rosy pink lips.....

The duo included the Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm in Showy (a super feminine rose-pink) and the Revlon ColorBurst Lacquer Balm in Flirtatious (a stunning glossy berry toned shade). Both shades knocked my socks off. The matte shade is pretty and easy to wear. Perfect for a date night. Actually, it is most likely the lipstick I will be wearing on Valentine's Day. I just love how comfortable it is on the lips, the level of pigmentation, and of course, the romantic colour, Then there is the lacquer balm. This was my first time trying out any of the lacquer balms from Revlon, so I was a little unsure. Turns out? I had no reason to be unsure. The formula was just as comfortable as the matte version. Creamy, easy to apply, and oh so glossy.

Between the two? It is hard to pick a favourite. Each one performs wonderfully and looks effortlessly beautiful. Both of these shades will come in handy this month. Here is at a makeup look I put together recently. It features the Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons Palette, the Revlon blush in Nearly Nude, and the Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm in Showy. Take a look - and be sure to let me know what you think of the end result.

There is nothing like a great lipstick. In my opinion? Revlon has outdone themselves with their ColorBurst line. Both the matte and lacquer formulas perform well, have great longevity, and are ultra comfortable on the lips. The latter is very important to me. I cannot be bothered with high maintenance lip products that are drying or irritating. Comfort is key.

What do you think of these lip colours? Have you tried the Revlon ColorBurst crayons?

xo Shannon


  1. AAA the lipstick looks amazing on you, thanks for sharing. Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


  2. If you are sad... add more lipstick and attack! haha, great post x ❃

  3. Love your lipstick color and how you do your overall make up. :D Look really pretty :) Hope you don't mind following back to keep in touch! x

  4. Love the lipstick and you look gorgeous!


  5. ive heard so much about these, i so need to get some!

    ♥ Melissa Broxupn #NZblogger
    Facebook + Instagram

  6. love the color :)

  7. Uoool!

    Nice, nice!


  8. I love your lipstick color! :)

  9. beautiful lipstick <3 follow:) kisses

  10. Love the saying!
    And love lipstick!
    You look so pretty! ♥

    Take care,
    xoxo Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  11. Shannon, that shade looks so great on you! Love:) I must admit, I've only really checked out Revlon foundations in the past few years but haven't tried their lip products in awhile. I'm missing out!

  12. These look super pretty. I'm in love

  13. I have to agree with ou i was obsessed with my highend chanel and other lipsticks but for my dailywear i love revlon colorburst its easy to use stays long and can just do some touchups! its amazing...!!!

  14. Amazing post, dear! :) Do you want to follow each other? If yes, please follow me with GFC and Google, instagram, write a comment
    and I follow you back :)

    With love.

  15. Hi, nice blog :) Would you like to follow for each other? Let me know in comments and i will follow you back! :)
    Denisse Beauty


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