Thursday, February 4, 2016

new in: my very first NYX haul

NYX. This brand has been on my radar for years. Every beauty blogger, YouTuber, and makeup enthusiast I admire has spoken highly of their products. Over and over again. So, you can imagine my dismay that none of it was available in my country. Until now. NYX recently opened a store and has branched out to drugstores throughout Canada. All I can say about the move? Thank goodness.

I remember when I heard the news. My husband was driving me home from work. He had just finished his shift at the drugstore he works at. When he mentioned that they were re-doing the makeup configuration in the store. I asked why. Then he told me. To make room for NYX. We literally went to the store an hour later. And then again the next day. It was overwhelming. To watch video reviews and see tutorials using these products over and over again...and then to see them stacked in front of you? Well, it was a makeup dream come true.

There was a ton to choose from. Far more than I could justify or afford. So I started small. Ish. It came to about $150 in total. More than I planned to spend. But in no way did I regret it. As you can see from the picture above, I stuck to mostly lip products. This is because I hear amazing things about their lip products. I had to find out for myself! But I also picked up a few other odds and ends. Just to dip my toes in the water. Honestly? It will be hard for me to resist going back for more. I will do my very best, though. Promise!

So.....what did I buy? The NYX Strobe of Genuis Illuminating Palette, the Butter Gloss in Vanilla Cream Pie, the Butter Lipsticks in Razzle, Fizzies, and Candy Buttons, the NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipsticks in Vintage, Sway, and Stone Fox, the NYX High Definition Blush in Taupe, the Prismatic Shadow in Jaded, and the Vivid Brights Liquid Liner in Vivid Blossom. Phew! It was definitely an exciting buying experience.

Overall I am love-love-loving these products so far. Some have stood out to me more than others. (Like the Stone Fox Suede lipstick and the Vivid Brights liner. Amazing!) But you can expect proper reviews and tutorials in the weeks to come. There you have it! My very first NYX haul. What an exciting concept. It will take a while for the novelty to wear off. Until then....I will be head over heels for my new NYX items.

What are your favourite NYX products?

xo Shannon


  1. It's so funny you post about this because I've been seeing SO much NYX stuff all over the place. Just the other day my friend and I went into the drugstore and she bought their color contour palette and is obsessed with it. Let me know if any products stand out to you - I'd love to give them a try as well.

  2. The lipstick shades looks really awesome

  3. Can't believe I've never tried anything from Nyx before! Looks like you got so many amazing things, I love those butter lipstick shades <3

    Andini xx | Adventures of an Anglophile 

  4. What a great haul!
    Have fun with these products :)
    xx Katha

  5. Congratulations on your haul . Looks great :)

    Check out my new post Pink Maxi Dress Who doesn’t love beaches :)

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  6. One of my favourite makeup brand. :) I love lip products from NYX and correctors.:)

  7. I really want to try some products from NYX, especially their matte lip creams! The butter lipgloss you chose looks lovely xo

  8. That palette of NYX looks super pretty darling!

  9. My gosh...those lipstick look delicious with all yummy shade. I love NYX too, one brand that doesn't break the back, so affordable and has a good qualities too!

  10. Such an amazing produtcs!
    Love it,


  11. I've literally been wanting to try NYX for ever! What do you think of the Nude butter gloss?

    Thanks for reviewing!!


  12. ...I want to try the liquid suede cream lipsticks!!! Now also in Italy there are some stores!!!!!!


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