Monday, February 1, 2016

you fill up my senses like a night in the forest.

True inspiration is rare these days. Not to say my life is not wonderful or fulfilling. It is. But there was a time in my youth when inspiration fueled me on a daily basis. Music was my everything. It filled me up in ways I cannot express adequately. An album. A song. A lyric. They all spoke to me so deeply. They made me feel. While I still listen to music obsessively....that sensation of being totally immersed in it? So overwhelmed, passionate, and yes, inspired? It doesn't come around much anymore. Recently, it did. In a big way.

I grew up listening to John Denver. My initial introduction was through his Christmas album with The Muppets. My parents would play that record every single holiday. Eventually we had listened to it so many times that the record was in pretty rough shape. So we moved to cassette. Then CD. And then my iPod. The moment I realized that I was a true John Denver fan? When I found myself skipping songs that featured The Muppets. I simply preferred to hear John's beautiful voice and earnest lyrics.

This year? I listened to John Denver's Christmas CDs over and over. Just like I always do. But post-holiday, I listened to the rest of his records as well. Watched his live DVDs. Documentaries about his life. Every song, every word, and every moment inspired me. And suddenly, the beauty of the world came into sharp focus. The perfection of small moments. Of true hearts. Of kindness.

I have turned to his music like I would turn to a friend. The truth? John Denver feels like home to me. So, today I wanted to share a very special outfit of the day. It is not a glitzy gown or a trendy layered look. But it is inspired. This is my OOTD featuring my beloved Rocky Mountain High t-shirt.

It feels good to be inspired. To smile for no reason at all. To feel connected to the universe. And I have the power of music to thank for that.

What do you think of this OOTD? What inspires you?

xo Shannon


  1. You look gorgeous!


  2. So great to read about your source of inspiration, thank you for sharing!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  3. Love to read inspirational posts!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Brenda Brooks

  4. Cool inspiration doll, thanks for sharing!!!
    Btw love your fringed vest!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  5. Una buena inspiración! estás muy guapa!


  6. Love your look, it's inspiring :)

  7. Music has always played an important role in my life and definitely if you carry music from a cassette to an ipod, it means it must be great music! I love the pairing of the tee with the fringe vest. You look beautiful!

  8. Music will always be a huge part of my life as well. Love your outfit! :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  9. I love this beautiful outfit, Shannon, more so as there is a story behind. What inspires me.....everything, it can be a beautiful flower which make me think of a lace dress, well just small things.

  10. I loved to read your words! Could truly feel how honest these words are. And I love his songs swell, got some pretty awesome memories connected to them :)
    xoxo Nini


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