Friday, March 11, 2016

blushing is amazing. simply amazing.

Okay. I own a lot of blush. More than anyone should. But in my defense....I love them all so much. Each shade speaks to me, inspires me, and makes me giddy. That's right. Every single one. As I was digging through my massive blush collection? I came across a forgotten favourite. It is Autumn Peach by Essence. Okay. It is not exactly autumn right now. There is a scattering of snow outside my window. The wind is rushing by. The temperatures are chilly. Despite the seasonal inconsistency, this is a blush that I tend to reach for during the spring and summer months.

Why? I absolutely love the warm undertones. When the sun starts to shine? (Or when I start dreaming about sunshine and weather.) My mind automatically shifts to warm shades. Like Autumn Peach. Anything and everything peach is on my must have list. It is pretty, flirty, and fun. This is probably why Autumn Peach grabbed my attention before a recent night out. I wanted to create a makeup look that was simple and sweet. This blush was the perfect finishing touch.

So. How does Autumn Peach perform? It is pretty clear that I love the colour. A lot. It is warm and easy to wear. Now to get into the good stuff. Pigmentation, texture, and packaging. Let's start with the latter. All of the Essence blushes come in a simple clear plastic case. Basically? Nothing special. The packaging is sturdy enough but does not feel luxurious. (For such a low price it doesn't need to. These blushes are a major bargain!)

Now for texture. This is one of the aspects I love most about the Essence blushes I have tried. They are buttery soft and oh-so-smooth. They also blend incredibly well. These perform more like a high end product than an ultra affordable drugstore item. That makes them a serious beauty must have, in my opinion! Lastly? Pigmentation. If you are looking for a blush that packs a punch...this is it. This blush is quite pigmented. A little will go a very long way. My advice? Start small and build up the product. That way you can ensure an even application and the gorgeous glowing cheeks you crave.

If there is one thing I is blush. There will never come a day when my makeup look does not include a little bit of blush. It has this wonderful way of pulling a look together. Just look at Autumn Peach by Essence. It added a beautiful flush of colour. Subtle, natural, but absolutely beautiful. What more could a blush addict ask for?

Have you tried this blush? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. What a beautiful shade, Shannon. Nope haven't tried this one, although I own a few blushes by essence. Laltely I am totally in love with the Milani one, luminoso. I am sure it's in your collection as well, am I right ;) Happy weekend, girl.

  2. lovely color!

  3. Mmm, amazing. I love it.

  4. So pretty!


  5. You look so pretty!!!! Nice product!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for your post!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. Loved your make-up. I love orange eyeshadow but I'm afraid to use it. Last week I had a orange eyeshadow in my Hand to buy it, but I wasn't sure if I ever used it. It Looks really nice...maybe I should just try it.

    Great post dear.


  7. It looks lovely on you! I don't actually use blush probably because I can't find proper tone-way of applying to make me feel comfy with it.

    Inside and Outside Blog

  8. This is one of my favorite blushes :-)))

  9. WOW! you look gorgeous, and that color is really beautiful, I must try!


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