Sunday, March 6, 2016

love it or leave it? maybelline volum' express colossal

If there is one thing I am not on the look out for? It is a new mascara. I am pretty dedicated to the ones I love. (Cover Girl's The Super Sizer, Benefit's They're Real!, and Dior's DiorShow.) With a mixture of high-end and drugstore loves....the last thing I want to do is try out a ton of different mascaras. Well, that changed. The Maybelline Volum' Express Colossal Mascara kind of fell into my lap. My husband works at a drugstore. Every now and then they have unused testers to get rid of and in-store discounts. Which is how this mascara found its way into my life.

It was a little unnerving. I hadn't tried a new mascara in ages. But there was something exciting about it, too. Maybe this mascara would be better than my all-time favourites. Stranger things have happened. That is what leads me to today's blog post. Is the Maybelline Volum' Express Colossal Mascara a love? Or would I leave it? Keep reading. It is time to find out the verdict.

Drum roll please......

This is a leave it product for me.

Wondering why? There are a few reasons that this mascara failed to live up to my expectations. The first is the smell. None of my other mascaras have a fake perfumey scent. This does. It is actually quite strong and a little repellent. You will notice it the moment you unscrew the lid. (It really is that strong.) For some people this might not be an issue. I personally found it to be extremely off putting. I was not into thisBefore I even applied the product to my lashes.

The application itself was fairly good. The wand is a standard mascara brush....nothing special there. It went on well and added a good amount of volume and length. That was the good part. The not so good part? What happened later in the day. About an hour after application? There was smudging underneath my lower lash line. It looked awful! This has not happened with any other mascara in my collection. Needless to say it was shocking when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

The Maybelline Volum' Express Colossal Mascara was a dud for me. It performed well during application. But the smell? The smudging? No thanks. There are better alternatives at the drugstore.

Have you tried this mascara? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice review with all the positive and negative points =)

    BTW follow to follow?


  2. Great review! Glad I can pass on trying this one now

    Emma | With A City Dream

  3. I haven't try this but I do want to try the Benefit They're real or the Dior mascara I might like one of them. Great post dear! xoxo

  4. I haven't try this but I do want to try the Benefit They're real or the Dior mascara I might like one of them. Great post dear! xoxo

  5. I haven't try this but I love Maybelline Rocket Volume mascara! But my all time favourite is Benefit They're real! Great post btw:)

  6. I only use They're real and I love it .. But I think that you are the first person that I know that doesn't like this Colossal mascara ..


  7. Great post : ) I didn't try it myself, but thought it was a good product... Anyway, I haven't found my favourite mascara yet... any recomendations?

  8. Love Maybelline mascaras and always use them..this is great i used it before xoxo

  9. I really like this mascara, one of my favorite:)
    Have a great day!

  10. I used this mascara for a long time when I was a teenager but now I wonder how I ever did haha! It's very clumpy and smelly for me these days. And it also left smudges under my eyes too! Not what you want after a few hours!

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'


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