Tuesday, March 8, 2016

review: NYX Pro Lip Cream Palette in The Plums

Oh, NYX. How quickly you have won my heart. You might remember a recent post I did about my very first haul from the brand. It was an exciting time to say the least. While continuing to make use of those new items....yet another NYX product has found its way into my life. (And my makeup collection!) My husband knows how all about my obsession with the brand. One day, he randomly told me to go pick something out. Just because. That was a really lovely surprise. Especially since I am trying not to buy new makeup. (I don't think it counts if he buys it. Right?) That is how I happened to come across the NYX Pro Lip Cream Palette in The Plums. There were a couple of different lip cream palettes to choose from. One was full of brown and nude shades. Another loaded with vibrant pinks. But there was something about The Plums that spoke to me.

Lately, I have been really into vampy lips. Darker shades that are bold and daring. This is something The Plums has in spades. There are a total of six different lip creams in the set. Some are deep plums and others deep red tones. There is even a flirty purple shade thrown in for good measure! Yes, there is certainly a nice range of colours. Each can be worn on its own or blended with one of the other lip creams to create a custom shade. Love, love, love.

Time to go over the highlights. The versatility in terms of shades is a major upside. Something else I really love? The packaging. It is sleek, simple, and sturdy. It looks professional. It protects the products. It does not feel flimsy or cheap. That makes this the perfect palette to throw into your purse. A quick touch up or colour change will be a cinch! Then there is the texture. This was very consistent throughout the palette (My pet peeve? When products in palettes are not consistent. So frustrating!). They are smooth, creamy, and easy to apply. The pigmentation itself is nice as well. These happen to be very buildable. One quick swipe will give you a lovely wash of colour. Then you can add more to create that full on vampy lip look.

This NYX palette has totally stolen my heart. When I want to wear something dark and sultry? This is the lip palette that I reach for. No questions asked. Here is a recent makeup look that I created using the first shade on the second row. It is a red-ish rust shade. Super pretty! Be sure to let me know what you think.

So there you have it. The NYX Pro Lip Cream Palette in The Plums. This was definitely a different kind of purchase for me....but I have been loving it so much. The shades are beautiful, there is a nice variety in the set, and the lip creams are easy to wear. As far as I am concerned? This is another winner from the NYX line.

Speaking of NYX.....want to see my first haul in action? To check out swatches and get some first impressions? Then be sure to watch the latest video on my YouTube channel! (Please like, comment, and subscribe if you get a chance. Your support means so much to me.)

There is something special about NYX. After years upon years of hearing about this amazing brand....I have finally been able to try it for myself. That is a pretty amazing feeling. So far? Most of the items have been major successes for me. Sure, I have my favourites. But each one has something wonderful to offer.

Do you love NYX? Share your favourite product!

xo Shannon


  1. Look at those lips! Adore this look,
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  2. Gorgeousss .. love your makeup ♡♡

  3. Love the colours :)
    I followed yout blog, please check mine <3

  4. Amazing makeup. Love those lip cream colours:)

  5. wow you look amazing!:)
    Have a lovely day!:)

  6. Lovely colours! Love it! Kisses!


  7. Amazing colors.

  8. ;)

    Linda paleta!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  9. I think I need that palette in my life. Great job on the video, Shannon.

  10. Love this palette, those shades do look great on you =) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

  11. Love your make up is flawless, and is fun youtube video. I love the lipstick NYX lipstick so colorful, I would try one of them at least. xoxo


  12. Love your make up is flawless, and is fun youtube video. I love the lipstick NYX lipstick so colorful, I would try one of them at least. xoxo


  13. wow,stunning
    Your makeup is so beautiful


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