Monday, March 14, 2016

spring is who you are.

We are so close to spring. So close that I can barely stand to admit that it technically still winter. But only technically. These days? The weather has been lovely. The sun shines and the temperatures are rising. The other day? I had a welcome surprise when I walked outside. Instead of being greeted by an immediate chill...there was a warmth that had long been forgotten. Yes, spring is special.

Maybe it has to do with the weather. (Sunshine. How I missed you!) Or the fashion. (Floral prints and pastel shades galore!) Or the makeup (Fresh, flirty, and downright whimsical!) But this particular season always fills me with hope. Optimism. Appreciation. I feel a little lighter when I walk. I stand a little taller. I find myself falling in love with small moments. Is anyone else like this? Spring is an awakening on so many levels. Which is why I am eager to welcome it in.

Inspired? Absolutely. Which is why today's blog post has to do with my love affair with spring. I simply cannot wait to make the most of the season. Both in terms of fashion and makeup - and my own personal goals. I want to get out more. Live life to the fullest. Step up my game. So on that are some of my favourite (beauty related) spring photos.

Spring is a special time. One filled with beauty, hope, and wonder. So, are you looking forward to spring?

xo Shannon


  1. lovely post!

  2. Beautiful spring inspired post, Shannon. Happy start into a new beautiful week, doll.

  3. Shannon, I so agree with you:) Although we didn't really get as bad a winter as the other years, I'm still looking forward to finally seeing warmer weather. I'll take the rain any day over snow:D Thanks for the spring-like images above:)

  4. Love these stunning pastel pink pictures, thank you for sharing!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics


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