Monday, April 18, 2016

and i don't like the sound. of our feet on the ground.

Over the years? I have been to an awful lot of concerts. Some are disappointing and some are spectacular. You never know what you are going to get. There is a very good reason for this. So much of the concert experience is based on outside factors. Like who you go with, the weather conditions, fellow concert goers, and so on. Based on those outside factors? The recent O-Town concert should have been disappointing. For starters, it was snowing like crazy. By the time we got inside, we looked like drowned rats. Snow had destroyed our hair and makeup. Then there was the moment when I cut my finger on a bathroom door. It bled for ages. Not to mention the fact that my friend and I were completely and totally exhausted.

Yes, by all accounts....the O-Town concert should have been disappointing. But it wasn't. It was everything I wanted it to be and more.

There has been a lot going on in my life lately. Stress and worry and anxiety. That is probably why I spent most of last week eagerly looking forward to the concert. I could not wait to see one of my all-time favourite bands perform live. Excited? Absolutely. The day of the concert, I spent two and a half hours getting ready. I tried out a new hairstyle (braids along the side, tons of volume on the top, and pin straight locks) and spent ages perfecting my makeup. I agonized over what to wear. I packed and re-packed my purse. For whatever reason....I wanted everything to be perfect. It is a shame the snow washed away most of my hard work. Ahh well. Such is life.

The concert itself was fantastic. O-Town came out ready to entertain. They had a ton of energy, a great rapport with one another, and a fantastic set list. They sang a ton of favourites - both old and new. Some of the highlights for me included: I Showed Her (my favourite ballad and one of my favourite songs period), Lines and Circles (the choreography was as wonderful as the song!), and Skydive (my obsession with that song is real). I had a blast singing along and watching them perform. It was truly a magical experience for me. One that I did not take for granted. Not for a second.

Then there was an unexpected bonus to the night. During their encore, Jacob announced that they would be signing t-shirts after the show. (No pictures or anything like that. Just signing shirts!) Since I had already shelled out $50 on a shirt...this was a huge moment of excitement for me. To meet them? To actually meet O-Town? This was something that I had been dreaming of since Making The Band days. So I waited. I risked missing the last train home. And I waited.

It wasn't too long before they came out and started signing. I was lucky enough to be fairly close to the front of the line. Thank goodness for that! It was overwhelming. The closer I got to the band....the harder my heart pounded. My head was spinning. All I could think about was how long I had dreamed of this moment. And how many years ago I had given up on the possibility. Then suddenly, there it was, right in front of me. 

Now I will be very honest here. I made a total fool of myself. I was so nervous, excited, and overwhelmed....I literally could not contain it. I shook and rambled on while talking to Dan, Erik, and Jacob. I even got some hugs and a handshake. Then I got to Trevor (who happens to be my favourite member of the band) and I absolutely lost my mind. I started to shake even harder and even cried. He wiped a tear from my face and that was quite honestly, one of the highlights. Of my entire life. Thankfully, he was so sweet and so kind. It made me feel better about being a total fangirl-ing mess. That was it. Then it was time to collect myself and go home. 

I think back on that night and smile. Not because a dream came true. Not because I had an amazing time. But because for one felt perfect.

xo Shannon


  1. You look so great!


  2. Awwww Shannon I am so happy for you. You deserved it all, girl. What a beautiful and sweet touch to wipe your tears away. I know exactly how you felt, girl. Hope this week will be a bliss, Shannon.

  3. thanks for sharing! perfect experience.

  4. Aww Shannon you are TOOO cute. He wiped your tear....what a sweet moment!! I would most definitely be fangirling too! I know it's something you'll remember forever. I'm so glad you had a great time and the night turned itself around. Your makeup and hair looked stunning!

  5. Also I love going to concerts! wonderful experience!

  6. perfect look, if you like we could follow each other leave me a message

  7. you are beautiful
    new post


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