Monday, April 4, 2016

she who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten.

Okay. My Hard Candy addiction is real. At this point, a large chunk of my makeup collection comes from the brand. There is just something about it. The price tag, the constant influx of new products, and of course, the quality. It seems that no matter how hard I try....more and more Hard Candy items find their way into my life. (Not a bad problem to have.) Over the winter holidays? This was more accurate than ever. There were just so many sets to test and try out. I could not resist. Even though winter has come and gone, I am only just now working my way through some of those new additions.

Which brings me to today's review. One of the Hard Candy items I picked up was this glittery eyeshadow palette. It came in a small set with a small eyeliner and mini mascara. Sadly, this little eyeshadow set has no name. But it does have gorgeous packaging. The front has textured white fabric with small rose gold studs. The rest of the packaging is simple and plastic - but the fabric and studs were a lovely addition to a super affordable palette. Inside the palette were six different eyeshadow shades. Every single one was loaded with glitter. Here is a closer look....

As you can see from the photo above, there is a nice range of shades here. The first is a taupe, the second is a light pink, the third is a light brown, the fourth is a glittery white, the fifth is a peachy pink, and the sixth is a grey shade. There is a really nice range of light and dark colours here. That means you can create a smokey eye look or keep it fairly neutral. The textures are extremely smooth and buttery. These really impressed me. When it comes to glittery eyeshadow....I am usually hesitant going in. So often they are chalky and hard. These were not. At all. They are very smooth and easy to use. They are also nicely pigmented (with the exception of that peach toned shade. This is less pigmented than the others.)

As for the glitter? This palette is glitter overload. These eyeshadows are anything but subtle. They are gorgeous, glittery, and over the top. Love! If you are into mattes or shimmery shadows? You might want to give this a pass. Each one is quite glittery so it is best suited for a night out rather than everyday wear. Personally, I am a huge fan of anything sparkly and glittery. Even when it comes to makeup. So these worked out quite well for me. I have been enjoying that extra pop on my eyelids.

Recently I used this palette to create a smokey eye look. My friend and I were going to a concert - so I wanted something a little more dramatic. I used that taupe shadow all over the lid, the grey in the crease, and applied a little bit of the white over top for a super glittery finish. Take a look.....

Hard Candy is a constant part of my (makeup) life. I can't count the number of times that I have come home with a massive Hard Candy haul. Speaking of latest YouTube video is a haul of another drugstore brand. Take a look and let me know what you think! 

Are you a fan of Hard Candy products? What do you think of these shadows?

xo Shannon


  1. I'm not much of a glitter person, but when I do my eyeshadow I usually do the outer part black and the inner part a shimmery gold. On a day where I'm feeling fancy, I'll hit the inner eyelid with a little sparkle ;)

  2. I love dark shimmers..I'm a glittery girl but when it comes to makeup I tend to stay away from bright shimmers. This palate has the perfect little selection!

  3. Amazing post love! I just posted my TRAVEL UPDATE: SINGAPORE on my blog! You should check it out! xx


  4. Ooh loving this smoky glittery eyeshadow palette Shannon! It's perfect for a night out! You can even use the more softer neutral colors during the day. :)

  5. Okay this palette needs to be in my life!

  6. Amazing smoky eye! Need this palette.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  7. It looks amazing!! gorgeous colors and love how you put it on


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