Thursday, May 26, 2016

review: jay manuel beauty

I can’t quite explain it. The feeling I get right before I try out a new makeup brand. It’s similar to that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling there is before testing out a new product. But bigger. More intense. There is an anticipation and joy like unlike anything else. I guess that is why I love makeup so much. It’s the thrill of the hunt. You never know when you will find a product that takes your breath away.

Knowing this….you can imagine my excitement trying out items from Jay Manuel Beauty. For the first time. Not only was this a new brand to me, but a brand from someone whose work I already admire. Not only was I giddy with excitement but I was a little nervous too. What if I didn’t like it? What if these products didn’t live up to my expectations? Were only okay? There was a part of me that desperately wanted these Jay Manuel products to be fantastic. To knock my socks off.

So, did they? Thankfully, they did. (It would be been a major disappointment if they hadn’t, to be honest!) I had already fallen in love with the sleek packaging. And I wanted desperately for the makeup to meet that standard. High expectations? Sure. But hey – nothing wrong with that. Why settle in life? Each one of these items - the eyeshadow quad, the powder foundation, the eyeliner pencil, and the lipstick - had its good points. Stunning colours, wonderful texture, and luxury.

Jay Manuel Beauty met my admittedly high expectations. It has been exciting to test out a bit of the line and see which products stand out. Want to see them in action? Find out how each one fared? Then check out my latest YouTube video for Mansa Fashion. This is my Jay Manual Beauty demo + review....

Have you tried anything from Jay Manuel Beauty?

xo Shannon 


  1. Your eye makeup!! Perfection *heart eye emoji*
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  2. I love your makeup look! <3

  3. Wow, great products, I love your make-up!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  4. You are a beauty!


  5. I never try this items!
    The seem so perfect, I would like to try.

    DadieB. ~

  6. Loved reading this! Please check out my latest SS16 trend-inspired lookbook.

    Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love

    Instagram @alionawithlove

    Twitter @alionawithlove

  7. Love your make-up, your eyes are beautiful :)

    P.S. Following you with GFC, it would be nice if you can follow me back, thanks, kisses :)

    Brina xoxo,

  8. Lovely make-up and yes, the packaging and contents look great!

  9. I absolutely adore your make-up!

  10. Great review! :D


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