Friday, June 24, 2016

first impressions: covergirl katy kat eye mascara

The easiest way to get my attention? Put the words Katy Perry on anything. Literally anything. At this point, I have her CDs, t-shirts, sunglasses, bracelets, necklaces, and lipstick. Now? I also have my very own Katy Perry mascara. It is Cover Girl's latest addition to their Katy Kat collection: Katy Kat Eye. There were a few different mascara options available. Black, Blue, as well as Waterproof versions of both. I opted for the non-waterproof black mascara. Largely because I wanted to see how the most basic version of the mascara performed. 

It promises 10x the volume and lash darkness as well as an "all day cat eye." was this mascara? Let's start with the packaging and the wand. As you can see from the picture above, the packaging is super sleek and chic. It looks just like the Katy Kat Matte Lipsticks (review and swatches of those to come). White and black. Capitol letters only. Super trendy and cute. This is a mascara that definitely looks good on the outside. The wand itself is a little bit different. Instead of having a standard bristle wand, it is curved and twisted. The bristles spiral around the wand itself. 

I'll be honest. The wand itself was really intriguing to me. At this point, I have tried many different wand styles. Some with larger bristles, some with smaller ones, some with rubber bristles, and some in different designs. So as far as the mascara wand went? I hoped this one would provide a better application of product if nothing else. Sadly it did not. The spiral bristles made application on the lower lash line difficult as well as on the inner corner of my eyes. For the outer lashes? It worked well. It really did help create that cat eye effect as promised. However, overall ease of use was lacking.

Now for my overall thoughts on the Katy Kat Eye Mascara from Cover Girl. Meh. This was somewhat disappointing to me. Like I said earlier, I will buy anything and everything related to Katy Perry. Whether she is on the cover of a magazine or is putting her name on makeup. It will become a part of my collection. That being said....I would not repurchase this mascara. As I mentioned before, it was tricky to apply the product to the lower lashes and inner corner. (I have started using this on the outer corner for a more dramatic cat eye look and using The Super Sizer mascara on the rest of my lashes. The Katy Kat mascara is usable in this way, but I would rather not use two products where I could use one. Know what I mean?) In addition, this mascara was super clumpy on my lashes. Even using the smallest amount made them clump together. I like super dramatic lashes. But this was less dramatic and more clump, clump, clumpy. It took a lot of work to brush out all of the clumps. 

Here are a couple of pictures so you can see the mascara in action. Note: this is after I removed the clumps. It looks okay but it took a lot of work to get them to this state. Personally? I would much rather use something like The Super Sizer or Benefit's They're Real! mascara. 

There are a lot of great Cover Girl products. And a lot of fantastic Katy Perry products. The Cover Girl Katy Kat Eye mascara was unfortunately not one of them. The mascara was difficult to use in certain areas and ended up looking pretty clumpy. (As you can see from the picture above. Even after I combed out most of the clumps it still looks pretty clumpy in spots.) This is sadly not a mascara that I will be reaching for on a daily basis. 

Have you tried Katy Kat Eye? What did you think of it? 

xo Shannon


  1. Wow, your eyes.. so pretty! The mascara looks great.


  2. Lovely mascara


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