Monday, June 27, 2016

look gorgeous and glam while working out.

There is a big difference between working out at home and working out....well anywhere else. On the days that I pop in a workout DVD (Jena Hughenian Michaels nine times out of ten)? My look is as follows. Hair in a messy ponytail, whatever makeup is left over on my face from work, and some sort of tank top that has been haphazardly pulled from my drawer of workout clothes. On the days when I am running home or leaving the house to exercise? It is a totally different ball game. Suddenly that flaking mascara and baggy tank top are a no-go. For the simple fact that I am going to be seen by countless neighbours and passerbys. 

Not sure how to get ready for your workout? Want to infuse your look with a subtle touch of gorgeous and glam? Keep reading. These are some of my tips for looking good while working out. 

Keep Makeup Minimal But Long Lasting. It isn't a secret. I love makeup a lot. In fact, it is an extremely rare occurrence when I leave the house without it. That being said? When you are working out it is best to keep makeup to a minimum. There is a good reason for this. Wearing foundation and concealer can clog your pores when you start to sweat. That can lead to breakouts and blemishes. (I learned this lesson the hard way!) Skip the face makeup and focus on your eyes and brows instead. Well defined brows help frame your face - and the product is unlikely to move when you sweat. Fill in your eyebrows with a nice brow powder and set with a clear brow gel. As for the eyes? A soft neutral shadow on the eyes (like a nice matte brown or purple) is all you need. Skip the eyeliner and layer on a coat or two of waterproof mascara. This will give you the definition you crave without looking too heavy or overdone.

Choose Workout Clothes That Reflect Your Personality. You deserve to feel good. Confident. Beautiful. That makes the clothes you choose especially important. Even when you workout! The key to feeling good (and looking good) is to choose workout clothes that reflect your personality. Do you love colour? Then pair a neon pink tank top with printed leggings. Like to feel chic and stylish? Opt for black and white leggings with a matching sports bra. You get the picture. There are so many options when it comes to workout fashion. Here is the thing: by wearing clothes that make you feel your are more likely to push harder during your workout. Plus you will exude confidence wherever your workout takes you.

Add On Some Oh-So-Glamorous Extras. It's true what they say. Beauty really is in the details. The right accessories and add ons can transform your workout look. Not to mention take your confidence to a whole new level! Not sure where to begin? These are a few of my favourite extras:
  • Spritz on your favourite body spray (anything from Leyland and Bodyworks is great) before you head out. It will make you feel better than ever.
  • Add on a little lip gloss before you head to the gym. That extra shine will make you shine! 
  • Put on a pair of small stud earrings. Hoops and dangling earrings can be dangerous to workout in, but a simple pair of studs is safe to wear. And it will give you plenty of enviable workout style. 
  • Choose your footwear wisely. There are so many great options out there these days. Get playful with colour and print. Or just swap out your regular laces for something bright and bold. 
Working out doesn't mean leaving behind your love of fashion, makeup, and beauty. It just impacts your choices. Use these tips and tricks to create your own confidence boosting workout look. You will look amazing - and feel even better. 

What do you wear when you workout? Share your own get glam tips! 

xo Shannon


  1. Great tips:) Love it:)

  2. nice!

  3. This is great! Once I get home from work, I usually put on some work out clothes, get things done, and then head to the gym. So basically, I live half the day in work out clothes haha! There are so many cute outfits you can put together. I love feeling a little glam before going in and them coming out feeling strong and better!

  4. ;)

    Eu tenho só um conjunto de malhar, porque dificilmente me exercito! hahaha!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^


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