Sunday, September 4, 2016

new in: michael kors, kate spade, guess, and hot topic

This summer has been a bit of a whirlwind. There was a lot going on all the time. Some of it good (like travelling and spending time with loved ones) and some of it not so good (like working constantly). Now that it is all coming to a is time to think back on the good times. For me, that includes my trips to Niagara Falls. I was lucky enough to go twice this summer. Though both trips were rather brief, I still managed to have fun, make memories, and squeeze some shopping in. Which brings me to today's post. During my last trip to Niagara Falls, there was of course, a trip made to the outlet mall. Here are a few of the goodies that I picked up!

The first couple of items came from Hot Topic. Not going to lie...I have a serious addiction to that store. There are just so many novelty items! So many great t-shirts! Both are major weaknesses of mine. Which is how I wound up picking up a Labyrinth shirt (one of my all-time favourite movies) and a Veruca Salt Pop! figurine from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (another favourite movie of mine). There were so many other things calling my name but I had a teensy bit of self control. Progress!

Next was a quick stop off at Kate Spade. The line at the outlet was so long that we had to wait about fifteen minutes before we could even step foot inside the store....but it was so worth it! My mom picked up quite a few things (and a future birthday present for me) and I snagged these gorgeous pink earrings for a measly $10. Definitely a great bargain! Plus, they are super sparkly. That is always a plus.

Then we visited Michael Kors. Because no vacation is a vacation without a stop off at Michael Kors. I absolutely love his purses, accessories, and clothing. While no bags were screaming my name (I am a firm believer that when you need to own makes itself known to you) there was this awesome t-shirt. It was simple, stylish, and chic. Plus it was a great deal. For just $30 this lovely little gem made its way into my wardrobe. Thank goodness for outlet shopping.

Guess is without a doubt one of my favourite places to shop. Unfortunately, when the pieces are full price? I am a little more reluctant to buy. (Sometimes their stuff is a little overpriced for what it is.) But with the help of the outlet the prices were a whole lot better. That is how I wound up with a super cute pineapple print top, a long striped maxi dress, and a pink fluffy purse accessory (sadly not pictured as it is currently on my favourite purse).

So there you have it. My latest haul from a really great getaway. While I have you here....I also wanted to share my latest YouTube video with you all. It is a Get Ready With Me video featuring one of my favourite Beauty Gurus, Shaaanxo! Take a look....

What have you bought recently?

xo Shannon


  1. Love the earrings, so lovely and the pineapple shirt is so cute! Great haul!

    The Flower Duet

  2. ...I love shopping!!!...I love michael kors tshirt and the pine apple print top!!!!!!

  3. You're so happy to have it.
    Would you like to follow me back?

  4. ;D

    Gostei de tudo!

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  5. Beautiful items Dear:) I like your make up from video:)

  6. Beautiful items! I love the pineapple shirt! <3

  7. Great haul, Shannon. Totally love the earrings, they are the cutest.

  8. I love that MK t-shirt! Graphic tees like that are so fun because you can dress them up or down so easily. I recently went to Kate Spade at the outlets here is MA and the line was crazy long too! So weird.

  9. A very interesting post , , Happy Wednesday !!!


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