Friday, September 9, 2016

review: cover girl clean sensitive liquid foundation

It wasn't how I planned to test our a new foundation. My husband and I were in the middle of a backyard barbecue. My uncle (and new aunt) were celebrating their recent nuptials with hoards of family and friends nearby. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the wasps were ready to sting. How do I know the last part is true? Well, I got stung. It was my first time ever being stung by anything....and it hurt. A lot. More than I ever thought it would. Once the shock of it all wore off, the water works began. I was trying not to cry in front of everyone - but wound up bawling in my husbands car. There went my not so waterproof makeup. Sigh.

Before I knew it? We were on our way to the drugstore for supplies. Something to stop the burning, itching, and pain on my arm....and a little makeup to touch up my splotchy face. They didn't have my usual drugstore foundation in stock. That in itself caused a brief moment of panic. What would I do? Which foundation would I choose? So I wound up picking the cheapest thing on the shelf. It was the Cover Girl Clean Sensitive Liquid Foundation. 

That brings me to my review. How did it work out? Pretty well, actually. Especially when you consider the $6 price tag. It comes in a glass bottle (which feels pretty darn luxurious but it actually a bit harder to use. There is no scoop, spatula, or pump. That makes it difficult to get the product out of that oh-so-cute glass bottle) with a screw off cap. The formula I chose is for sensitive skin. There were a couple of other options but none for dry skin. So sensitive skin, it was!

The shade I chose was 505 Ivory (the lightest on the shelf) and it is a pretty good match. A lot of drugstore foundations tend to run a little dark. Which means achieving a proper match can be a real struggle. Not this time! The match is pretty close to perfect. As for the coverage? That was fairly impressive as well. It provides medium coverage, blends easily, and looks natural. There weren't any noticeable dry spots or caking. Pretty impressive. Here is a picture of the foundation in use....

The Cover Girl Clean Sensitive Liquid Foundation definitely exceeded my expectations. It was super affordable and did a great job. Especially when I was in a pinch! Now? This has become my go to foundation for work. It is quick and easy to use - and looks great. What else could I possibly need?

Have you tried this Cover Girl foundation? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. Never tried this, but your skin looks so great and clean. Need to try it xoxo

  2. Wow it looks really good on you!! Sometimes I think I have sensitive skin so maybe I'll give it a try! What a bummer about the wasp! Hope it's all healed.


  3. I feel like I've tried this one, but I can't seem to remember. I feel like the reason I wasn't a fan was because of the screw off cap with no pump to get the foundation out. That bothered me! Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one to get the lightest on the shelf LOL one time I thought maybe I could get the next one up and go a little darker and it was not a good idea! What is your skin care routine? You have flawless skin.


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