Wednesday, October 5, 2016

hilary duff: love it or leave it?

I'll be honest. Sometimes, this blog gets away from me. Sure....I post regularly but I tend to forget how things used to be. One example? Love it or leave it. This was a regular series on my blog. It would feature a recent celebrity outfit - and I would share whether I loved or loathed the look. After talking to a friend (who happened to be looking back at old posts) she made me realize that I had completely forgotten about that series. The one I loved writing so much. Well, that has changed. Here it is, my first love it or leave it post in about two years. Enjoy!

What I Love: Okay, no surprise here, but I am a huge Hilary Duff fan. This goes all the way back to her Lizze McGuire days. She has always been an inspiration to me style-wise (oh how I used to long for her Disney wardrobe) and honestly? That hasn't changed much. As you can see from the photo above....she is no stranger to taking fashion risks. Hilary has effortlessly blended animal print with stripes. This mix-and-match look is bold, fun, and most importantly, interesting. That is not an easy thing to accomplish. While this look could have easily turned busy or tacky? It has just the right balance thanks to the neutral colours. 

What I Loathe: This outfit is pretty darn close to perfection. In my opinion, at least. The only thing I am not a fan of? Those shoes. I don't know what it is about them....but they make my skin crawl. They look like strange strappy boats. Not cute. Thankfully the rest of this look is a total winner. So, I will try to forgive those off putting heels. 

Overall, this is a fabulous look. The mixed prints, the burgundy skirt (fall colours are always a good thing), the laid-back waves, and polished makeup....need I go on? Hilary Duff remains a style icon. 

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


  1. I agree with you, I don't like the shoes:) The coat is beautiful:)

  2. I do not like the coat

  3. Hey, nice that you start with your "love it or leave it" series again. :) I think the outfit looks good on her but I wouldn't wear all this pieces in combination. The coat doesn't look so awesome. :D

    Best regards, Anna <3

  4. Ohh I absolutely love this kind of post, and I couldn't agree more with your opinion! The look is absolute perfection, just another pair of black shoes and all is well, perfect even! I need that skirt in my life!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  5. I don't like the shoes either, plus the skirt could have been a little longer :)

  6. I love Hilary, but leave it. I hate the shoes. LOL

    Happy weekend for you
    MY BLOG my latest post
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    Kisses, Isabelle

  7. I0m not a huge fan of animalier, so I don't love the coat!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???

  8. Love it! but I feel you here with the shoes, although she can pull it off. Happy weekend, Shannon.

  9. Oooo yes this is a great idea for a blog post! I totally see what you mean with the shoes, though. I love the color of the skirt, but something about it is weird for me. The length maybe? However, the outfit as a whole is really nice!


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