Wednesday, October 26, 2016

my top five fall lip products

Beauty confession: fall makeup is my favourite. There is just something about it! The looks are dramatic and vampy....and you can go a little overboard without looking out of place. Smoky eye looks are a must for me but what I really love? Fall lip colours. They tend to be a little darker, a little bolder, and a lot more fun. There are rich browns, vampy purples, and stunning berry shades. With fall in full swing, I thought this would be the perfect time to share a few of my favourites. These are my top 5 fall lip products.

For Comfort - Dior Addict in Smile
For a Night Out - Kylie Cosmetics in Dolce K
For Long Wear - NYX Liquid Suede in Vintage
For Unforgettable Colour - Lime Crime in Squash
For Daytime - Clinique in Matte Beauty

L-R (1 - Dior, 2 - Kylie, 3 - NYX, 4 - Lime Crime, 5 - Clinique) 

These are without a doubt the shades that I am reaching for most often this season. Why? Let's take a closer look at each one....

For Comfort - Dior Addict in Smile. The first swatch (pictured above) is from my Christian Dior, Dior Addict lipstick in Smile. This is without a doubt my go-to when I am looking for a lip product that is comfortable. This is a soft shimmery berry toned shade. Kind of a your lips but better colour. It is effortless, easy, and doesn't need to be touched up. You can put it on and forget it. This is great if you are running errands or are going out to lunch.

For a Night Out - Kylie Cosmetics in Dolce K. Sometimes? You want a little drama. That is where the Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipstick comes in handy. The shade shown above is Dolce K and I love it more than I can explain fully. This shade is dark, dramatic, and perfect for the fall months. Whenever I have a night out planned (like a dinner date or a special event) I reach for this lipstick. The colour is beautiful and it has great staying power. 

For Long Wear - NYX Liquid Suede in Vintage. It just isn't fall makeup without a gorgeous berry toned lipstick. That explains why the NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick in the shade Vintage is a favourite of mine. The shade is a rich berry tone that is just the right amount of dramatic. Something else I love about this lip product? It is so long wearing. Once this stuff stays. You don't have to worry about touching up or the lipstick wearing unnaturally. It stays put! 

For Unforgettable Colour - Lime Crime in Squash. This one should come as no surprise. If you have been keeping up with my blog lately, you will remember my review of Squash from Lime Crime. This is without a doubt the best colour in my makeup collection. I cannot get over how stunning it is. So, I keep finding reasons to wear it. Whether I am hanging around my apartment or am going out to get groceries....Squash is always nearby.

For Daytime - Clinique in Matte Beauty. This list has a little bit of everything. Some berry tones, browns, and even squash. But it would not be complete without Matte Beauty from Clinique. This is a fabulous lipstick shade for day. It is soft, romantic, but still packs a punch. Plus, this warm pink is a wonderful compliment to a brown smokey eye look. That is typically what I pair it with but the shade itself is super versatile. It will definitely get a lot of use this fall! 

Those are my top five fall lip products. The ones that not only look great but have been getting a ton of use so far this season. 

What are your favourite fall shades?

xo Shannon

Editing Note: Since Dior continues to support a court-certified wife beater, I no longer support the brand. Believe survivors. 


  1. great post... have a nice day...

  2. The colors are perfect:)
    Have a nice day!

  3. I love lipsticks and bold colours for autumn. It makes you look really bright!

    Costa de la Moda

  4. Such a pretty collection there !! I loved Kylie Dolce K tho
    New post -

    would u like to follow each other on blog and social media ? I already followed ur blog and follwing on G+....ur turn !!

    xo, kanchan

  5. Nice post

  6. Cool! Are The Kylie Cosmetics products as good as they're made out to be? I think my favorite lip are the NYX Matte colors. I have 3 or 4 and I love each one. I'd say my favorite is the NYX Matte color 'Euro Trash' it's so lovely!

  7. These are so cute! I might be in the minority but I actually prefer shinier, more moisturizing lip colors to the liquid matte ones which seem to be trending atm! I really like the Dior one you included here.


  8. I like so much nuance 3 and 4.
    I wish you a happy week and a peaceful Sunday.
    See you soon.


  9. Ahh love these shades! It so hard to pick a favourite.

    Jade x


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