Sunday, November 6, 2016

jennifer lawrence: love it or leave it?

Red carpet fashion always makes me happy. There is something about the dramatic gowns, the elaborate hairstyles, and smokey eye makeup that brings me an endless amount of joy. Perhaps it is the glamour of it all....or the way a red carpet look can leave me feeling completely and totally inspired. When Jennifer Lawrence attended the 2016 Britannia Awards last week, she definitely made a splash. Heads turned. Jaws dropped. Fans were made. That is the power of fashion. It has the ability to take your breath away. 

Which brings me to the latest edition of love it or leave it? This is all about Jennifer Lawrence and her A-list style. 

What I Love. Oh my goodness. What an incredible look! There are so many things that I adore about this outfit but the biggest is definitely the choice of colours. That soft pink shade is stunning and I love the almost metallic shimmer it has. That gives it just the right amount of drama. The fit is also beautiful. I love that the belt really defines her waist and the soft way it tapers down at the bottom. Her hair and makeup are also winners for me. The pieces of hair framing her face are so soft and romantic. They perfectly compliment that elegant red carpet gown. Everything about this look is sweet and sophisticated. 

What I Loathe. Okay, I admit. There is one thing that I am not overly fond of. The upper half of the dress seems needlessly complicated to me. While it certainly is figure feels like two different dresses were stitched onto one another. That complicated (or busy) upper half detracts from the overall elegance of this look. 

Overall, this was a lovely head to toe look. The hair, makeup, and colour of the dress were absolutely stunning. While there was one aspect of the dress that definitely did not make me smile, I would still crown this red carpet look a love it. 

What did you think of Jennifer's red carpet outfit? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


  1. Colour, fit and beauty is on point. This dress is amazing

  2. Yay! I really look forward to these posts now. There are so many celebrities and outfits that you can choose from, so I get excited to see what you'll choose each week. First of all, I love J Law - and I love this look! I could never pull off that color and I think she does it so well. Once I read your comment about what you loathe, I agree, though. It almost looks like she put a shirt on and said "wait! I think I'll throw a dress over this!" I still really love it though. SO pretty!

  3. Lovely post.

    Following you now.

  4. Great post)
    We can follow each other by g+. What do you think?

  5. I love it, even the upper part of the dress!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???


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