Monday, January 30, 2017

emma stone: love it or leave it?

Movies are an incredible form of entertainment, escape, and release. Which explains why I have a massive shelf jam packed with movies, movies, and more movies. Despite my love of film....the stories that speak to me are rarely nominated for prestigious awards. With the exception of La La Land. This is a movie beloved by critics, award shows, and audiences alike. A rare occurrence! Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into the screen. But my love of all things Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone pushed me forward. The movie took my breath away. The music was incredible, the story was compelling, and the visuals were arresting.

Needless to say, my love of La La Land has cause me to follow Emma Stone's public appearances pretty closely. That is how I came across the red carpet look, pictured above. Emma wore this unique dress to the Paris premiere of the film. So, love it or leave it?

What I Love: Emma has incredible style. Whenever she hits the red carpet, she looks absolutely amazing. She takes risks but tends to stick to classic silhouettes. The combination is flawless. With this premiere look in particular, there are many things that I love. Her hair and makeup are perfect (I am loving that eyeshadow shade and lip colour together. They shouldn't work together and yet they do) and she shape of the dress is phenomenal. I love those shoulders!

What I Loathe: Unfortunately, there were a few aspects of this outfit that did not speak to me. For instance, the top half is beautiful The bottom half is beautiful. Together? They seem a little mismatched. That mismatched quality takes away from the elegance of this dress. All of those gorgeous details suddenly become overwhelming and out of place.

On another latest YouTube video is up. It is all about achieving a Quick and Easy One Shadow Makeup Look. It is perfect if you are in a rush or want something simple but fab. Check it out!

What do you think of Emma's premiere outfit? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


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