Wednesday, January 4, 2017

how to avoid the post holiday blues.

Christmas is my favourite time of year. Just in case you didn't know (the last several weeks have been all-Christmas-all-the-time on my blog) you do! There is always so much excitement leading up to the big day. It is full of beautiful music, heartwarming movies, family time, and special events. By the time it's all over? Things can be, well, a little depressing. Suddenly that freshly fallen snow seems less than picturesque. It doesn't have to be that way. Here are a few quick and easy ways to avoid experiencing the post holiday blues this year.

  • Take time to look back. The easiest way to tap into your holiday spirit is to look back at photos from the season. Take time to browse through those family pictures, those selfies in front of the Christmas tree, and all of those incredible decorations. You'll immediately remember how wonderful the holiday season was...which will instantly boost your mood.
  • Find ways to stay busy in the new year. Is your calendar looking a little blank? Change that as soon as possible. Look for things to do and things to get excited about. That could mean checking out a new movie, making dinner plans with your best friend, picking up concert tickets, or scheduling a massage. It could even mean cleaning out the linen closet or going through old clothes. Just make sure your planner is full of activity.
  • Focus on your wants and needs. The holidays are over. Now what? Does that mean you should stop treating yourself? No way! This is the perfect opportunity to spend time on you. Read that book you've been wanting to pick up, head to the gym whenever you can, paint your toe nails, get your hair done, or test out a new recipe. Focusing on your own wants and needs will prevent the post holiday blues from taking hold. 
  • Cut yourself some slack. It takes time to re-adjust. After all of the holiday festivities have is impossible to slide back into your old routine. Give yourself a break and lower your expectations. Understand that it will take a few weeks for life to feel normal again. That is totally okay! Knowing that can help you avoid unnecessary stress.
Post holiday blues can happen to the best of us. Not this year! With preparation and a positive attitude, you can appreciate the magic of the holiday season and your everyday routine.

Do you have any tips to avoid the post holiday blues? Share them below!

xo Shannon


  1. Christmas is also my favorite time of the year:)
    Fantastic ways to avoid experiencing the post holiday blues:)

  2. É verdade Shannon, nos preparamos tanto para o final do ano e quando chega nem aproveitamos direito e o ano se vai.

    Pensar nas coisas que se passaram é uma boa. :)

    Um beijo, estou te seguindo.

  3. Great post dear!!Would you like to follow each other?Let me know on my blog,so I follow back with pleasure.

  4. This post is so true! I was thinking about that today because it snowed here - I wish it was Christmas! I also turned on Freeform (though I still like to call it ABC Of Tourism) hoping to watch 25 Days of Christmas and I totally forgot that's not happening anymore! I also do that with the radio when I expect Christmas movies to be on. I just try to remind myself that it'll be here again before I know it.


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